Online sellers: What does your shipping station look like?

I've been doing a lot more shipping of cards, books, and other collectibles lately and am looking to put together a dedicated packaging and shipping area in my home office, with adequate storage for supplies and a good work area. Those of you who sell/trade enough volume enough to warrant a dedicated solution for this, would you be willing to post a few pictures of what your shipping area looks like? I'm looking for some ideas to incorporate into mine.

Actually kinda scary
Anyways, I started selling books online a few years ago and business is at a point where I feel comfortable leaving my day job.
Plus I'm starting school next week and don't feel like I can juggle the day job, online job and schoolwork. One had to go.
All day I've been rearranging my desk, inventory and shipping area. When I'm finished (tonight or tomorrow) I'll post a few pictures of what the operation looks like. Nothing fancy, but it works.
<< <i>charrigan - Why blue painters tape?
Robert >>
Uh oh, here we go again.... Tape Wars 3
<< <i>
<< <i>charrigan - Why blue painters tape?
Robert >>
Uh oh, here we go again.... Tape Wars 3
No fight from me. If you don't like it, don't use it.
I prefer blue painters tape over scotch because it doesn't leave sticky residue when removed. That means you can mail a sealed toploader and the recipient can (1) easily peel off the tape without damaging the card and (2) keep the toploader for continued use. It's also not expensive and you don't end up using much because you can still use scotch to mail down shipping labels (I'm not all about that pre-stick mailing label life, at least right now).
edit to add apostrophe.
<< <i>
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<< <i>charrigan - Why blue painters tape?
Robert >>
Uh oh, here we go again.... Tape Wars 3
No fight from me. If you don't like it, don't use it.
I prefer blue painters tape over scotch because it doesn't leave sticky residue when removed. That means you can mail a sealed toploader and the recipient can (1) easily peel off the tape without damaging the card and (2) keep the toploader for continued use. It's also not expensive and you don't end up using much because you can still use scotch to mail down shipping labels (I'm not all about that pre-stick mailing label life, at least right now). >>
Actual Scotch-brand matte tape is equally effective and cheaper, most of the off brand and clear substitutes are to be avoided. In the AZ summer, both still leave a residue. Other times of year and other locations, neither do. I am bothered far more by those who don't create a 'tab' with a little bit folded over to easily remove either.
Almost nothing I receive stays in whatever holder it was shipped in, the holders just go into one of two piles: OK to use again for shipping or bulked up into a large flat rate for cheap (residue, yellowed, pricing/inventory stickers, etc.).
<< <i>Any tape on a top loader bothers me, not sure why sellers can't just pop for team bags over the top loader. >>
I fear card movement.
<< <i>
<< <i>Any tape on a top loader bothers me, not sure why sellers can't just pop for team bags over the top loader. >>
I fear card movement. >>
100%! and on the flip side overwrapping and removal of said product can cause damage as well. definitely no card movement, just don't tape it up like it's ft. knox
Thanks. Makes sense. I will be using "The Blue" from now on.
<< <i>I am bothered far more by those who don't create a 'tab' with a little bit folded over to easily remove either. >>
You know, I never thought of that.
2 pages and 20+ posts later not a single pic. requested by the OP.
All the above said in good fun.
<< <i>I've been meaning to tidy up my work area. I've got a few items I need to ship, but I haven't seen them since Bonds was still hitting balls into McCovey Cove...
Glad to see somebody's still a fan of DOS 3.1