Some wrestling autographs from yesteryear

A friend of mine who owns a bar had someone come in and give him these. The only date on the program is Thursday April 18th, no year but I'm sure with a little research I could figure that out. The event was held in Regina Saskatchewan. Inside the program it has a few articles written by Stu Hart. The matches featured Nick Carter vs Danny Little Bear / Archie Gouldie and Big John Quinn vs Leo Burke and Larry Lane / Girls North American Championship match between Miss Betty Niccoli and Miss Jean Antone / Bob Pringle and Gadabra Sahota vs Mountain Man Williamson and Benny Ramirez / Duke Savage vs Great Saki. I look forward to the google results from all these names at some point this weekend. If anyone knows anything about any of these guys please let me know.

He ran the wrestling promotion in Puerto Rico where Bruiser Brody was stabbed to death. The promotional photo must have been from early in his career as his forehead took quite a beating over the years.
BTW: Cubby=Cub Fan
Looking to BUY n332 1889 SF Hess cards and high grade cards from 19th century especially. "Once you have wrestled everything else in life is easy" Dan Gable