I must be dreaming; it's a WhiteTornado Christmas!

Got a very generous Christmas gift from my friend Phil today! He knows I'm a huge Brady fan and sent me this really sharp RC

Like I said, Phil knows I love Brady. But I don't think he knew a "single player" Brady RC has been on my collecting bucket list. A year or two ago i tracked down his Skybox Dominion RC, which pictures him w/ Giovanni Carmazzi. I targeted that one because I thought it showed how far Brady has come. But in the past few months I decided I wanted to get a Brady RC that showed him by himself. This fills that slot in my collection nicely.
That wasn't all; Phil also sent me this Brady, a SP photo variation from 2014 Topps:

I'm working on the 2014 Topps set and it's nice to sprinkle it with some variations, especially when it's your favorite active player! Thanks again Phil!

Like I said, Phil knows I love Brady. But I don't think he knew a "single player" Brady RC has been on my collecting bucket list. A year or two ago i tracked down his Skybox Dominion RC, which pictures him w/ Giovanni Carmazzi. I targeted that one because I thought it showed how far Brady has come. But in the past few months I decided I wanted to get a Brady RC that showed him by himself. This fills that slot in my collection nicely.
That wasn't all; Phil also sent me this Brady, a SP photo variation from 2014 Topps:

I'm working on the 2014 Topps set and it's nice to sprinkle it with some variations, especially when it's your favorite active player! Thanks again Phil!
Very nice Gesture Phil!
1994 Pro Line Live
Being a Ravens fan, you know I have no love lost for the Patriots
Enjoy, my friend.
Liquidating my collection for the 3rd and final time. Time for others to enjoy what I have enjoyed over the last several decades. Money could be put to better use.
<< <i>Nice gesture. Card went from one good guy to another good guy. >>
I think you're confused. I'm the guy who received it.
<< <i>
I think you're confused. I'm the guy who received it.
At Doug's age, that seems to happen more often than not. Just give him some time Dan. He will eventually get it right.
1994 Pro Line Live
<< <i>Nice gesture. Card went from one good guy to another good guy. >>
+1, enjoy the Brady's Dan!
<< <i>Phil and I have been trading for some time now. Just got another batch in the mail from him last night. He is good $%^*. I think we have been sending each other cards for a year so far and we have sent each other at least a half dozen packages. >>
Same here, about the same number of trades with Phil over the past year. Lots of fun.