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Getting ready for shopping at ML

That's Memory Lane... 8 days go for some early Christmas shopping. Anyone doing the same?


  • 70ToppsFanatic70ToppsFanatic Posts: 2,107 ✭✭✭✭
    Rumor has it that this auction will feature a significant number of unopened lots.

  • Carew29Carew29 Posts: 4,025 ✭✭

    No rumor... Unopened box of Jordan (fleer rookie) and Gretzky (rookie year) just to start with.
  • Early Christmas shopping? The auction opens on Dec 20 and ends in January.

    Here's an idea: just tell us what you consigned. You too, 70T.
  • 70ToppsFanatic70ToppsFanatic Posts: 2,107 ✭✭✭✭

    << <i>Early Christmas shopping? The auction opens on Dec 20 and ends in January.

    Here's an idea: just tell us what you consigned. You too, 70T. >>

    I have nothing consigned in the upcoming MLI auction (nor any other auction for
    that matter).

    I was just passing on some non-public news I received

  • Carew29Carew29 Posts: 4,025 ✭✭

    17 post and already popping off at the mouth. Gotta love it.

    I have a #1 Registry Set, Several 32' Caramel cards, And one card i won't mention ( a 1/1)

    Viewing goes live tonight at 5pm per ML
  • Didn't realize you needed a minimum number of posts before speaking your mind
  • MrNearMintMrNearMint Posts: 1,209 ✭✭✭

    << <i>Didn't realize you needed a minimum number of posts before speaking your mind >>

    Is it really "speaking your mind" when it happens every time someone mentions items being sold in an auction?
  • DanBessetteDanBessette Posts: 6,421 ✭✭✭

    << <i>I have a #1 Registry Set, Several 32' Caramel cards, And one card i won't mention ( a 1/1)

    Viewing goes live tonight at 5pm per ML >>

    Are you saying you consigned these items to the auction?
  • Carew29Carew29 Posts: 4,025 ✭✭
  • 70ToppsFanatic70ToppsFanatic Posts: 2,107 ✭✭✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>Didn't realize you needed a minimum number of posts before speaking your mind >>

    Is it really "speaking your mind" when it happens every time someone mentions items being sold in an auction? >>

    I would have to agree with this comment. It seems like there are a significant number of people who have nothing better
    to do than try to create "drama" by making these kinds of posts.

    Drama has not served this community very well over the years. Better to use PMs if you have a genuine concern and just ask
    me if I am pumping anything of mine versus making false insinuations/accusations.

    And as for me personally, I think everyone who has been here a while knows well enough that I am all about full disclosure. If
    I am pumping something, I'll say so.

  • This thread is trouble and looks pretty bad for Carew.

    Pumps the auction without disclosing, gets called on it, lashes out, then still doesn't fully disclose what he's doing.

    Pretty low.
  • itzagoneritzagoner Posts: 8,753 ✭✭
    plain and simple Dave. the OP spammed us. someone else called him on it. same old forum.
  • PorkinsPorkins Posts: 615 ✭✭✭
    Anyone else notice Mr. I's profile name?

    Return of the Pot-Stirring Jedi?
  • gemintgemint Posts: 6,130 ✭✭✭✭✭
    There's a complete box of 1960 Topps wax packs up for grabs. And no, it isn't mine. I wish it were though as I'd pull it and put it back in my collection asap. image
  • DavisDavis Posts: 705 ✭✭
    Also a 1979 OPC hockey unopened box. If it was a mine, I would scream it from the rooftops...but it's not. image
  • 70ToppsFanatic70ToppsFanatic Posts: 2,107 ✭✭✭✭

    << <i>There's a complete box of 1960 Topps wax packs up for grabs. And no, it isn't mine. I wish it were though as I'd pull it and put it back in my collection asap. image >>

    Not sure if this is the same box that was making the rounds just after National. If so, then it has mostly series 2 packs that are in only in fair shape (that box was built from a bunch of loose packs). That was not a box for a "purist", but its not like were going to see very many factory boxes offered in the future.

  • gemintgemint Posts: 6,130 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Here's the box. It says 'series unknown' which may support the possibility the box was built from loose packs.

    1960 Wax Box
  • PaulMaulPaulMaul Posts: 4,908 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Nice to see GAI can't spell "TOPSP" correctly on their flip (1971 cello).

    Also, if I see one more AH description for unopened saying "...but don't chew the gum" I may go berserk.
  • Carew29Carew29 Posts: 4,025 ✭✭

    << <i>This thread is trouble and looks pretty bad for Carew.

    Pumps the auction without disclosing, gets called on it, lashes out, then still doesn't fully disclose what he's doing.

    Pretty low. >>

    Didn't realize I was being called out by a pinhead. My bad.

    Full disclosure for those who seem to care.

    #1 PSA Registry set 1923 Edwards Movie stars GPA 7.88...17/25 highest grades cards

    3 1932 US CAramel President group lot

    1958 Madison Elvis Presley PSA 9... A 1/1 and next closest grade is Psa 7

    Please for the safety of everyone... Feel free to let me know I'm being called outimage
  • otwcardsotwcards Posts: 5,291 ✭✭✭

    << <i>Feel free to let me know I'm being called out >>

    Much like the bat signal, I think we could all have a "call out" icon...

    Your's could be...


    It would be far more original than the veiled call outs or the old standard bearer of the "SPAM" images...

  • Carew29Carew29 Posts: 4,025 ✭✭
    Lmao.. Let it be written.... Hello Newman it is!!
  • Generally, when you do something wrong, it is best to apologize and try to learn from your mistake. Instead, you've been rude and dismissive.
  • 70ToppsFanatic70ToppsFanatic Posts: 2,107 ✭✭✭✭

    << <i>Generally, when you do something wrong, it is best to apologize and try to learn from your mistake. Instead, you've been rude and dismissive. >>

    Not quite sure that this qualifies as "wrong" (at least in the traditional sense). The original post mentions the ML auction generally. It made no mention of ANY
    specific lots that the OP may or may not have had consigned. That's a bit different than trying to draw attention to specific items while not also identifying that
    they were ones which the poster consigned.

    My initial response was also "outted", and all I was doing was passing on information I received that I knew would be of interest and was not generally

    I think the point is that the self-appointed protectors of the fourm are too quick to publicly start casting shadows, and that it always leads to unnecessary drama
    that ends up taking away from the community. There was no need for "i" to post what he did without first contacting the OP (or myself for that matter) and
    making his/her concerns known. I see what he did as nothing more than a self-serving attempt to stroke his/her own ego by "outting" the OP (and me) as
    self-promoting spammers.

    I really don't see what the OP did in that light, and as for the comment "i" directed my way it was completely unjustified and out of line since there was no basis
    to make it other than a flawed rush-to-judgement/assumption.

    At any rate, the ML auction looks like it has a few cherries to be had. Hope those of us who decide to bid get lucky.

  • itzagoneritzagoner Posts: 8,753 ✭✭
    if the word "shopping" gets replaced with "profits", all is forgiven.
  • 70T---I respect your opinion and I hope that you see this is not directed at you. I also respect the broad call for civility on the board and don't think everything should be a rush to judgement and pitchforks.

    However, what Carew did IS wrong. It is OK to promote your sales by posting items to B/S/T. It is NOT OK to post your sales to the main forum under the guise of a general collector FYI with the purpose of padding your bottom line. It is clear that he did the latter--do you think it was a coincidence that "i" asked him what he had consigned and he had multiple items for auction? At the very least, it was indirectly financially motivated, which should still include statement of conflict of interest. It's not a very high burden to meet and this was a flagrant example.

    The reaction--discouraging those who are trying to promote rules that protect the forum--is especially harmful. It's especially unfair to call us "lame" for doing what is in everyone's best interest: keeping spam away so we can discuss collecting topics.

    I don't think it harms the community to say "no" when people act inappropriately. We can be friends without letting junk like this slide. Public call-outs can be civil and polite and are much more effective at deterring such behavior from others than PMs.
  • fergie23fergie23 Posts: 2,155 ✭✭✭✭
    The only reason Carew29 posted about the ML auction was because he had items consigned to it. Where were his posts about the myriad of other auctions that have happened the last 6 months?

    He was called out for spamming the board and deserved to be.


  • << <i>

    << <i>Didn't realize you needed a minimum number of posts before speaking your mind >>

    Is it really "speaking your mind" when it happens every time someone mentions items being sold in an auction? >>

    Well this time its a legit callout.
  • LarkinCollectorLarkinCollector Posts: 8,975 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>Anyone else notice Mr. I's profile name? >>

    I did and have been enjoying the popcorn w/o popcorn girl ever since.

    +1 to Casey's post.
  • 70ToppsFanatic70ToppsFanatic Posts: 2,107 ✭✭✭✭

    << <i>70T---I respect your opinion and I hope that you see this is not directed at you. I also respect the broad call for civility on the board and don't think everything should be a rush to judgement and pitchforks.

    However, what Carew did IS wrong. It is OK to promote your sales by posting items to B/S/T. It is NOT OK to post your sales to the main forum under the guise of a general collector FYI with the purpose of padding your bottom line. It is clear that he did the latter--do you think it was a coincidence that "i" asked him what he had consigned and he had multiple items for auction? At the very least, it was indirectly financially motivated, which should still include statement of conflict of interest. It's not a very high burden to meet and this was a flagrant example.

    The reaction--discouraging those who are trying to promote rules that protect the forum--is especially harmful. It's especially unfair to call us "lame" for doing what is in everyone's best interest: keeping spam away so we can discuss collecting topics.

    I don't think it harms the community to say "no" when people act inappropriately. We can be friends without letting junk like this slide. Public call-outs can be civil and polite and are much more effective at deterring such behavior from others than PMs. >>

    Isn't it the MODERATOR'S job to promote the rules? Who appointed any of us as "deputies"?

    All I am saying is that "i" could have either:

    a) Sent the OP a PM and confirmed what he suspected, giving the OP the opportunity to correct the transgression (which was pretty slight versus the usual
    spamming that occurs)

    b) Sent a note to the moderator requesting that it be looked into, and allowing the moderator to handle it

    Instead "i" took it upon himself to save us from this "evil", while in the process implicating a completely innocent person in the process.

    That's why its best to let the people who's job it is to enforce the rules do their job. I stand by my view that the motivation for the "outting"
    post was much less about improving the community than it was about feeding someone's need to "catch" someone and call them out.

    Think about it. We talk about the major AH auctions plenty on this forum, and this is the first time in memory that such a generic post was
    immediately jumped on in this way. If the OP had posted something like "...check out that 1958 Madison PSA 9 Elvis (1/1)..." I could see
    the possibility that someone might be spamming. But there was a LOT of wiggle room left for interpretation in the extremely generic message
    that the OP put up to start this thread.

    Or any time we talk about any specific card that is available in the market should it just be assumed that the person who brought it up did so only
    to "pump" it because it belongs to them (or someone they are fronting for)? Is that REALLY the way we want things to be here?

    Carew29 could have avoided a lot of this by using B/S/T for his post, but I still think that we have too many "holier-than-thou" types around here
    who get more excitement from stirring the pot and slapping people on the back of the hand than they do from enjoying the posted contributions to
    this forum. In fact, it's one of the reasons I have reduced my posting frequency and what I share over the past 4-5 months.

    Nobody here is perfect, but the number of people around here who primarily seem to be here for pointing out other peoples' imperfections (rather than
    enjoying the content and sharing their collecting experience) is pretty disheartening.


  • << <i>Isn't it the MODERATOR'S job to promote the rules? Who appointed any of us as "deputies"? >>

    I haven't been here that long, but long enough to see that the forum is not actively moderated. If the forum was run differently, I think this would be very valid point. For the most part, it is run as a community and I believe that most people here follow the rules because they care about the board and experience of others and not what PSA thinks is right/wrong. I am sorry that you have had a negative experience and I do think "i" could have handled the situation more delicately, but two wrongs don't make a right and I (and I think most others) would rather have a few "Hey, don't do that" posts than a board that looks like mini eBay (and those DO exist - check out Facebook groups to see examples of how it can go wrong).
  • itzagoneritzagoner Posts: 8,753 ✭✭
    perhaps the level of sensitivity is enhanced for some, but as would be expected, the OP will shrug his shoulders and move on. it's certainly not a major issue. it happens here quite regularly. we are generally good-natured people in this forum and no one is perfect. sometimes, part of the process is to take jabs at a person who should be capable of handling it without lowering the bar.

    we shall shrug our shoulders and move on, too.
  • DanBessetteDanBessette Posts: 6,421 ✭✭✭
    I like Carew29, enjoy his contributions to this forum, and have a lot of respect for him. With all that said, posting this thread was inarguably spam and in poor taste. As a longtime and upstanding member of this community, he knows that. A tiny lil "my bad" would go a long way. But, either way, this will be my last contribution to this thread, lest I be labeled "holier than thou."
  • PSASAPPSASAP Posts: 2,284 ✭✭✭
    I'm not bothered by the post at all. First of all, with the market for unopened wax being what it is now, I'm sure there are collectors on this board who were glad to get the heads up that there are several highly sought after items coming onto the market. It's not like the guy is directing traffic to a 1000 count lot of Kevin Maas rookies. I would much rather see a post highlighting an upcoming auction than someone posting about how eBay is going downhill (we knew that years ago).
  • mikelowell25mikelowell25 Posts: 1,252 ✭✭✭
    Life is too short to be quibbling over such seemingly petty things. People who are probably younger than many of us on here are dying from cancer every day.

    Lets stop trying to keep these boards so pc, take a deep breath, enjoy ourselves and get back to talking about cards (and packs too of course!!image)
  • detroitfan2detroitfan2 Posts: 3,342 ✭✭✭✭
    Hey everyone, I'm not sure if this is the right thread or even the right board for this kind of post, but:

    Only 6 shopping days until Christmas
  • Carew29Carew29 Posts: 4,025 ✭✭

    << <i>The only reason Carew29 posted about the ML auction was because he had items consigned to it. Where were his posts about the myriad of other auctions that have happened the last 6 months?

    He was called out for spamming the board and deserved to be.

    Robb >>

    Wow... With all of you mind readers out there I guess I don't have to post anymore here because you already know what I'm thinking. What am I thinking now Robb?

    As for a little further disclosure on my word "shopping"... I have a bonus check arriving by 12/28 from work... So I plan on shopping at ML for a few items. My original post had nothing to do with my items. Oh wait a minute... Robb already knew that. Here again is another reason why I will stop posting again like so many others on this board. I should have realized that nothing has changed. But Robb already knew that. So I will take leave again for awhile. But wait... Robb already knew that.
  • flatfoot816flatfoot816 Posts: 2,194 ✭✭✭
    I always hated Spam as a kid--and trust me I got it fed to me often--but I laugh when I see members on here who get their panties all adrift because someone posts a message about something they are selling or have consigned. If posts like this get you all in a tizzy--just move along---far more important things to worry about---

    Like who is going to be the Red Sox ace?????!!!!!!

    Now that's something to get your panties all adrift about!!image

    BTW--good luck on your consignments!
  • 60sfan60sfan Posts: 311 ✭✭✭

    << <i>I'm not bothered by the post at all. First of all, with the market for unopened wax being what it is now, I'm sure there are collectors on this board who were glad to get the heads up that there are several highly sought after items coming onto the market. It's not like the guy is directing traffic to a 1000 count lot of Kevin Maas rookies. I would much rather see a post highlighting an upcoming auction than someone posting about how eBay is going downhill (we knew that years ago). >>

    + 1
  • seebelowseebelow Posts: 1,643 ✭✭✭
    I agree with 70topps etc who have stated there seems to be an element of biasness (?word) here. Some get slapped others don't. I don't mind rules but they have to be applied uniformly. I've seen posts where some one essentially says "hey, check out my auction. What'd y'all think? " followed by two pages of discussion over a days before someone mentions....shouldn't this be in the b/s/t forum?

    I'll def follow the rules here. I view my place as a guest. But the seemingly random viciousness applied to some but not to others leave me wondering. Btw..def not random. And herein lies a problem.

    ....hey, btw NFL has started on Saturday today. Who knew? NFL network for those who would like to watch right now. I am in no way affiliated nor employed by the NFL.
    Interested in higher grade vintage cards. Aren't we all. image
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