Definitions of "true" and "published"

Hi everyone, I've been around awhile but I'm new to the Registry. I'm trying to figure out what the terms "true" and "published" mean in regard to the Registry. I read everything
and searched but can't find the answers. BTW if you search "true" you get pages for "Trueview", lol... Thanks for any help.
and searched but can't find the answers. BTW if you search "true" you get pages for "Trueview", lol... Thanks for any help.

Hi, good question. The term is used in programming True = Yes, so if you publish your set (allow it to be seen by the public - or also called open) you are saying yes it is OK for others to see my set. Some my not want to publish their sets in some cases (keep it hidden). Their set is not complete with the thought someone may offer a coin to them at a higher price knowing they [need] can use the required coin for their set. I hope this makes sense
My Washington Type B/C Set