Will PSA give a numerical grade if you put "A" for minimum grade?

I am submitting a 50 card order under this month's special. One of the cards came back as miscut last time even though I don't see it. If I put Authentic for a minimum grade but the grader sees it as a 7 or 8, will they give it the numerical grade? Thanks, Tom
I have always heard that a qualifier lowers the grade 2 points (at least with the registry)
What would happen if you have a solid PSA 8 in all respects, except that the centering fell within the PSA 5 range? If you asked for no qualifiers, is that what you would get? If so, then in that case if you were concerned about your registry weight, you would be better off allowing the qualifier correct? Thanks, Tom
Second question is a lot tougher. In theory a card that is an 8(OC) should get a 6 if you ask for no qualifiers. For registry purposes, I am not sure it matters. For resale purposes, I would always ask for "no qualifiers".
From PSA's guidelines;
"Again, the vast majority of grading is applied with a basic, objective standard but no one can ignore the small (yet sometimes significant) subjective element. This issue will usually arise when centering and/or eye appeal are in question. For example, while most cards fall clearly within the centering guidelines for a particular grade, some cards fall either just within or just outside the printed centering standards. The key point to remember is that the graders reserve the right, based on the strength or weakness of the eye appeal, to make a judgment call on the grade of a particular card."
A card with 85/15 centering should grade a 6 (I would think) if all other aspects are that of an 8, but grader could conceivably give you a 5 or even a 7.
Qualifier reduces grade by 2 in most cases except for cards way at the bottom of the scale, I can't find the rules right now too tired.