crossover results

In case anyone is keeping score of this sort of thing, I received crossover results on 3 vintage items, 2 pre-war and one 1950's:
1928 BVG 5.5 -> PSA 5
1935 BVG 5.5 -> PSA 4.5
1959 SGC 7 -> PSA 7
I don't mind the lower grades at all in the PSA holders compared to the BVG ones, as the cards have a significantly higher value in the PSA holders due to them being eligible for master set registries now, and it took a few subs to get them to cross instead of N9.
Rare boxing stuff for the registry, all are pop 1 none higher or lower:
1928 Manoli Cigarettes Die Welt in Bildern 2 Max Schmeling Serie 67
1935 Josetti Deutscher Sport 74 Max Schmeling/Paulino Uzcudun
1959 Hokus Pokus 36 Max Schmeling
Most members here are probably not familiar with the variations (1928 Jasmatzi/Josetti/Manoli/Salem/Sulima) or (1935 Bulgaria/Constantin/Jasmatzi/Josetti/Salem), but these are really tough compared to some of their similar variation counterparts.