Here is a short list of cards way under valued..imo

1) 1993 Bettis auto, sp's sell for much more, when to common rookie cards sell for more than auto rookie cards? Mike Trout, not
2) 1994 Faulk - see above
3) 1995 Curtis Martin - see #1
4) 1997 Tony Gonzalez - see #1
5) 1998 Paul Pierce
6) 1996 Ray Allen
7) 1995 Kevin Garnett
8) Just about all Shaq rookies
9) Tim Duncan cards
10) Steve Nash
There seems to be a lost small generation of cards that are very undervalued. I think a lot of this can be attributed to the fact that PSA charges $15 to $20 per auto for the pre 1998 cards. It's hard to even find these cards graded by PSA anywhere on EBAY(autos). Beckett generally grades all of these for $2 extra, but the beckett cards for this era just don't sell for much. Thus, basically any superstar with autos from 1991 - 1997 are probably way under valued compared to post 1998 cards. Will this last forever, not sure. 3 of the top 10 running backs are included in this list, the best TE ever, Two of the top 20 NBA players of all time.
2) 1994 Faulk - see above
3) 1995 Curtis Martin - see #1
4) 1997 Tony Gonzalez - see #1
5) 1998 Paul Pierce
6) 1996 Ray Allen
7) 1995 Kevin Garnett
8) Just about all Shaq rookies
9) Tim Duncan cards
10) Steve Nash
There seems to be a lost small generation of cards that are very undervalued. I think a lot of this can be attributed to the fact that PSA charges $15 to $20 per auto for the pre 1998 cards. It's hard to even find these cards graded by PSA anywhere on EBAY(autos). Beckett generally grades all of these for $2 extra, but the beckett cards for this era just don't sell for much. Thus, basically any superstar with autos from 1991 - 1997 are probably way under valued compared to post 1998 cards. Will this last forever, not sure. 3 of the top 10 running backs are included in this list, the best TE ever, Two of the top 20 NBA players of all time.
Work hard and you will succeed!!
I've been buying the more premium 1995-1997 FB boxes on the cheap. I do expect values to rise once more of these guys get into the Hall of Fame and collectors rediscover some of the products. Boxes are usually less than $50 and some even have rare autos. Plus unlike today, you actually get 150+ cards per box.
ndleo- SSSHH! I haven't bought up enough product yet