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Reviewed Type Sets in Registry. Which One ??

FairlanemanFairlaneman Posts: 10,424 ✭✭✭✭✭
Just got back from reviewing the Registry Type Sets for Composition. After taking a Quick Look and Figuring what would be Fun and Not Extremely Expensive to Me it looks like the Set to put together would be the Copper,Nickel,Silver Set 1792 thru 1964.
    Not to say the Other Sets would not be Interesting but for Me they have the Potential to Get Wrapped Up in High Grade Examples and Shooting for the #1 Spot. This is Just what I would not want to do with a Secondary Collecting Interest. Also the 20th Century Type No Gold 1900 thru 1999 has almost 25% of it made up of Coins that I have No Desire to Own. Sorry, but that is just how I feel about Coinage after 1964.
      The Copper,Nickel,Silver Set falls more into the Interest I had Back in the early 80's when Type was Collected as a Side Light to the Main Mercury Set that I had. If this is Started I will Probably go with Lower to Middle of the Road Examples that show Decent Defination of the Example Required for the Set. Will Think on this for awhile but it Sure seems like doing this would be Fun and somewhat of a Challenge.


        • cosmicdebriscosmicdebris Posts: 12,332 ✭✭✭
          I knew you would see our vays soon and get tired of those fishing lures.


        • Ken--

          I think your choice is a good one. I enjoyed putting that set together more than all others and I learned the most.

          P.S. Many of the tougher pieces from that set(including the 1792 disme) will be in the Bowers Rarities Auction at the end of July in NY.

          My Other Hobby
        • Excellent choice! I believe that is a tough set to finish no matter what grade you are after. Also it has to be the best trade off between variety and cost. There is no gold there and that helps as all gold is expensive. And you get to put your best Mercury dime in the set too!
        • BladeBlade Posts: 1,744
          Ken - Excellent choice! I went for the full boat pre-64 set with gold, but this will be a lifetime project and not a sideline for me. Looking forward to seeing you move up the ranks, and be sure to postpics!


          NOTE: No trees were killed in the sending of this message. However, a large number of electrons were terribly inconvenienced.

          Type collector since 1981
          Current focus 1855 date type set
        • PTVETTERPTVETTER Posts: 5,984 ✭✭✭✭✭
          Your choice is a good one for youimage But for me putting together the Mercury dime set will take ALL I haveimage I don't see myself completing anyother set (execpt maybe a circulated Lincoln set)image The mercury dime gang is great and is keeping my intrest up.
          Pat Vetter,Mercury Dime registry set,1938 Proof set registry,Pat & BJ Coins:724-325-7211

        • HighDesertHighDesert Posts: 46 ✭✭

          I would be astounded if you ever regretted this decision. This is a great set!

          May I suggest that you "go low". Braddick has invented a new genre and there need to be more players. You talk about going lower to middle...no competition there. Why not go low and enjoy the "game". Perhaps if enough folks pay at the low end, they'll start a new set devoted to the pursuit of worn coins!

          High Desert
        • keithdagenkeithdagen Posts: 2,025
          A convert imageimageimage

          I knew that your lurking would pay off. image

          The set is a great set, and you can find many nice pieces inexpensively in high circulated to low MS for most of the set, then go lower as needed when the expensive stuff creeps in. I am personally trying to find as many of these in AU-58 or better until that becomes prohibitively expensive.
          Keith ™

        • SpoolySpooly Posts: 2,108 ✭✭✭

          (May I suggest that you "go low". Braddick has invented a new genre and there need to be more players. You talk about going lower to middle...no competition there. Why not go low and enjoy the "game". Perhaps if enough folks pay at the low end, they'll start a new set devoted to the pursuit of worn coins!)

          Glad a Heavy Hitter is doing this too! I had to e-mail Rick about coin numbers for PO-1 Large Cents..... all the PCGS coin numbers are for reverse types! All the reverses are worn off on PO-1 coins..... what number do you use? ! I think Rick thinks I am crazy! But it's harder to find these super low grade coins that WILL slab, than the higher graded ones!

          Mine isn't for a series set like you guys.....Mine are for a grading set.

          Is PCGS really going to crack out the Sheldon book to cross reference the obverse(what's left of it).... to find out what the reverse was? (I can't tell myself) You know the graders think it will be a complete waste of time.... bag it..... saves time! image

          Have you guys seen the prices for the low grade coins going for on e-bay? Some sell for the price of a VF PCGS coins! It's crazy! But fun! image
          Si vis pacem, para bellum

          In God We Trust.... all others pay in Gold and Silver!
        • FairlanemanFairlaneman Posts: 10,424 ✭✭✭✭✭
          Getting Coins for a "Bottom of the Sea" Set looks to be Very hard to me. Also have Checked eBay a Few Times and as Spooly said the Coins are Way Expensive. Grades are also Way to High for Most of them. Anything Above AG is Too High for the Bottom Set.image
            Still inclined to put a "Valley Floor" Set together Consisting of F to XF examples.
          1. CocoinutCocoinut Posts: 2,514 ✭✭✭✭✭

            I wondered what you'd do when your Merc set is completed. I like the copper, nickel, and silver type set too, even though I'll probably never complete it. It seems like the best way to trace the history of our coinage and, to me at least, is what coin collecting is all about. I registered a set months ago that consisted mostly of coins that I've had for years. I want to add to it, but have been diverted a couple of times - first by Washingtons, and now by Mercs (2 sets that I thought I had a chance of completing).

            The lack of gold doesn't bother me. The only gold coins that really do anything for me are high grade and most of them are too expensive anyway.

            Have fun with this set!

            Countdown to completion of my Mercury Set: 1 coin. My growing Lincoln Set: Finally completed!
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