Joe Jackson Bat

I went to an antique mall this weekend to look around and happened upon this bat. I don't know anything about but was wondering if there is a market for this kind of stuff and what kind of value would be placed on it.
It is a small bat with Jacksons name and Chicago white sox burned into it. I didn't pick it up but if its worth anything, I may head back. Thanks!!
FINISHED 12/8/2008!!!
it's a given that Joe Jackson never used this
bat in a Major League game.
Joe's last game was in 1920 and Adirondack
didn't start making bats until 1946.
"America suffers today from too much pluribus and not enough unum.".....Arthur Schlesinger Jr.
of course we all know that Joe used the "Black Betsy"
the value would be simply for the conversation associated with hanging it on your wall....
being in an antique mall most likely signifies that it's grossly overpriced, trying to attract the casual buyer.