PSA/DNA sub opinions

Hi guys, I'm relatively new to the board. There's an amazing wealth of knowledge on this board, so I was hoping you all would be able to help me decide if I should sub two cards to PSA/DNA.
The first is Gordie Howe
[URL= of Fame Auto PC/B6E23AF3-8AA5-4E5A-8D19-8F649D502E07_zpscpiusgto.jpg.html]
The second is a Jagr TTM I got back in the mid 90s. It came back QA from Raidersguy's last sub, but I wanted to know if it was worth resubmitting. I know churchiscool asked to see a pic in the group sub thread. Here it is:
[URL= of Very Good PC/3108777D-5719-4783-A291-49D123B11B8C_zps3sqfngge.jpg.html]
Thank you for reading.
The first is Gordie Howe
[URL= of Fame Auto PC/B6E23AF3-8AA5-4E5A-8D19-8F649D502E07_zpscpiusgto.jpg.html]

The second is a Jagr TTM I got back in the mid 90s. It came back QA from Raidersguy's last sub, but I wanted to know if it was worth resubmitting. I know churchiscool asked to see a pic in the group sub thread. Here it is:
[URL= of Very Good PC/3108777D-5719-4783-A291-49D123B11B8C_zps3sqfngge.jpg.html]

Thank you for reading.
Anybody have thoughts on the Jagr? Is it autopen? I thought it looked close enough to a preprint I got back from the Devils last year that it was real.
It just isn't worth the risk as Jagr is not exactly a difficult autograph to obtain.
[URL= of Fame Auto PC/5F87FA53-B403-465F-ADC8-88CF58C5DD03_zpsolu6if02.jpg.html]