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Where would someone want to put $150k

If have $150K, where would I want to put it and remain relatively safe. I know all your eggs in one basket is not good. Diversification I know is the best bet.
Holding on to the dollar is scary! I would like to stack more silver and if gold became right I would add more.


  • mariner67mariner67 Posts: 2,746 ✭✭✭
    Holding on to dollars may be best now.
    Successful trades/buys/sells with gdavis70, adriana, wondercoin, Weiss, nibanny, IrishMike, commoncents05, pf70collector, kyleknap, barefootjuan, coindeuce, WhiteTornado, Nefprollc, ajw, JamesM, PCcoins, slinc, coindudeonebay,beernuts, and many more
  • tneigtneig Posts: 1,505 ✭✭✭
    The 'question' wording sets a framework.
    Putting it somewhere, Relatively safe, Mention of diversification, and trailing comments about stacking.

    I'd spread it across at least 3 or more areas, depending upon your redemption needs and time frame. You said relatively safe, so I'd go with the safe and most assured methods of withdrawal of course. Also depends on if you have other money in higher risk, or real estate, or already stacking.

    Bank account. --- Poor interest return. Easily accessible and ok for a small amount. However so accessible may mean not so safe from spending some.
    US Treasury Fund. -- Supposedly one of the safest in the world, but that's relative. Poor interest again.
    IRA or retirement Funds. -- Roth likely if you already have the cash. The investments under the roth should reflex the same safer but balanced holding choices as above.
    Safe deposit box. -- No interest, cost of box.
    Pay off debt. -- And don't incur more debt.

    Everything has risk, and going further involves more and more risk. Not only from the investment vehicle but personal mishandling. This includes PM's.
    Stocks or bonds could be risky it being the top of the market. Mutual funds may be safer but less return, but will fall when their area falls.
    Real estate and other type ventures are not so assured anymore and have higher cost and sometimes the risk could be extreme for lots of reasons.
    PMs can easily go up and down from this spot, and likely will. Both ways. I'd say $10k in PMs invested monthly over a year for experience is ok.
  • derrybderryb Posts: 36,585 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I'd put it in a Scottrade account where I can keep it as cash or bet on just about any asset out there with the stroke of a key and cancel that bet at any time with the stroke of another key. Having the option to also bet against many of those assets is a plus. It's the one place where a lot of possibilities can occur, quickly. Physical metals require growth time, patience and transaction expenses. Paper metals can be bought at 9 am and sold at 9:30 am with little expense.

    "How many times can a man turn his head and pretend he just doesn’t see?” - Bob Dylan

  • guitarwesguitarwes Posts: 9,256 ✭✭✭
    $60,000- buy 2 good rental properties (rental income would be about $1000/month combined, better than any interest bearing deposit account)
    $50,000- do what derryb suggests
    $40,000- keep in cash for when metals hit $1000 and $14 then load up with a 75/25 silver/gold split.
    @ Elite CNC Routing & Woodworks on Facebook. Check out my work.
    Too many positive BST transactions with too many members to list.
  • MGLICKERMGLICKER Posts: 7,995 ✭✭✭

    << <i>If have $150K, where would I want to put it and remain relatively safe. >>

    With the nuts running the asylum, that is a tough task. The so called widow and orphan investments like bonds and utility stocks have been grossly perverted in value by a fanatical pair of federal reserve chairs.

  • renman95renman95 Posts: 7,037 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>$60,000- buy 2 good rental properties (rental income would be about $1000/month combined, better than any interest bearing deposit account)
    $50,000- do what derryb suggests
    $40,000- keep in cash for when metals hit $1000 and $14 then load up with a 75/25 silver/gold split. >>

    This, on 2 accounts. You really need the stomach for rentals. It can be exciting at times and then...not so much. As I got older I wanted more time with family than time spent on rehabs and the like...but to each is own.

    On the metals, I agree, better entry points next year...preparing for that now.

    Thirdly, I'd put $50k into KLS.v or KEOSF between now and Oct 31...
  • Thanks everyone. I have played the real-estate thing and it does take a strong stomach. The money here is from a sale of a house. Such a loss in this market. 7200K a year in taxes a renters can get away with Murder in Cook County, Illinois. Never again for me. I know it is a hard time for just about everything. The dollar is worthless...I is ruff and scary. I have several hundred pieces of silver and a little gold. Of all of the selections with which to choose, silver seems the best place, right now. If the Stock market were to tank, I would put it into utilities I believe. I did that back in 2000 when the market tanked and sold it way to soon. Today is so very different and difficult.
  • mikliamiklia Posts: 1,295 ✭✭✭
    buy a flat in buenos aries.
  • DrBusterDrBuster Posts: 5,351 ✭✭✭✭✭
    It's probably a safe bet that KO is going to up their ownership %s in GMCR and MNST.
  • tneigtneig Posts: 1,505 ✭✭✭
    Sometimes the best thing is to do is nothing for awhile.

  • DeepCoinDeepCoin Posts: 2,781 ✭✭✭
    I like the diversification and real estate play ideas. You can buy instruments that are real estate based, without owning property and all the attendant headaches. My real estate (small) diversification has beat the S&P for the last 4 years. Yes, the past is not a prediction for the future, but I think a small portion invested this way would be good.

    I believe in the Warren Buffet model of investing. Find a good company with sound management in diversified sectors. Do not try and time the market, as that is a fools errand that professional investors have issues with. I have used the Ronco method for years, set it and forget it...well, monitor but leave alone if the returns are not an issue.

    Of course the best advice given was liquidate any / all debt if possible. Also, you might give thought to putting 10 / 20 percent in rare coins. High quality coins and art are becoming a refuge for money from all over the world, thus demand exceeds supply for many items.

    This advice is worth exactly what you paid for it.
    Retired United States Mint guy, now working on an Everyman Type Set.
  • erickso1erickso1 Posts: 1,705 ✭✭✭

    << <i>If have $150K, where would I want to put it and remain relatively safe. I know all your eggs in one basket is not good. Diversification I know is the best bet.
    Holding on to the dollar is scary! I would like to stack more silver and if gold became right I would add more. >>

    First question should be when you'll need it, then it makes sense to ask where to put it.
  • rawteam1rawteam1 Posts: 2,472 ✭✭✭

    << <i>The dollar is worthless...I is ruff and scary. I have several hundred pieces of silver and a little gold. Of all of the selections with which to choose, silver seems the best place, right now. >>

    U might want to sit back and relax and do some diligence for about a year...
    The dollar is not worthless... That statement alone is a huge warning flag...
    U want to lose the rest? Then buy your silver...

    Otherwise.... Wait.... Diligence... Patience... Preferred stock...
    keceph `anah
  • dbcoindbcoin Posts: 2,200 ✭✭
    I would buy a solid portfolio of good dividend paying stocks. Pick your spots. Maybe buy 5%-10% at a time every month.

    how about

    JNJ - medical equipment, pharma, consumer staples
    AWK - largest US water co
    VZ - Telecom
    MO - cigarrettes, beer/wine, smokeless, e-cigs
    CVX - oil/gas, pipelines, refining
    ADP - largest US payroll and HR company
    CLCT - our host

    You should be able to generate between $4K-$6K year depending on what percentages of each company you buy. I tend to think the market is due for a small correction, so I would buy in small chunks at first
  • jmski52jmski52 Posts: 22,638 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Low or Zero interest rates are designed to lure people into riskier assets, i.e. the stock market. It does look as if the trend of the past 5 years is still intact, so conventional wisdom would be to continue investing in stocks.

    However, the correlation between the bailouts & QE and the rising stock market of the past five years is quite significant - almost step for step - and I simply don't trust the Fed to be managing my life's savings, ever. The Fed needs to get out of the social & financial engineering businesses, but they're not about to.

    You've explained your aversion to rental property and your favorable stance towards utilities. As a twist on utilities, I might suggest a pipeline income fund, or companies such as TransCanada or Enbridge.

    I would consider paying off all or part of any mortgage.

    I'd split the rest between cold, hard cash and precious metals.

    Q: Are You Printing Money? Bernanke: Not Literally

    I knew it would happen.
  • CakesCakes Posts: 3,591 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>I'd put it in a Scottrade account where I can keep it as cash or bet on just about any asset out there with the stroke of a key and cancel that bet at any time with the stroke of another key. Having the option to also bet against many of those assets is a plus. It's the one place where a lot of possibilities can occur, quickly. Physical metals require growth time, patience and transaction expenses. Paper metals can be bought at 9 am and sold at 9:30 am with little expense. >>

    I like the above, with 150K, you could do really well.
    Successful coin BST transactions with Gerard and segoja.

    Successful card BST transactions with cbcnow, brogurt, gstarling, Bravesfan 007, and rajah 424.
  • Jinx86Jinx86 Posts: 3,701 ✭✭✭✭✭
    $150 would get me two small rental properties here. $900-1300 rent/month at the current rate here. That or flip them for a quick 5K profit each....sweat equity goes a long ways.
  • CakesCakes Posts: 3,591 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>$150 would get me two small rental properties here. $900-1300 rent/month at the current rate here. That or flip them for a quick 5K profit each....sweat equity goes a long ways. >>

    Agreed but with the tone of his previouos posts he does not want to be a landlord again.
    Successful coin BST transactions with Gerard and segoja.

    Successful card BST transactions with cbcnow, brogurt, gstarling, Bravesfan 007, and rajah 424.
  • Jinx86Jinx86 Posts: 3,701 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Hmm, farmland perhaps. Not quite as profitable depending where your located and type of land 80-150/acre rent. This is my current main source of income, mostly acquired from inheritance. Down side is now I have a power company wanting utility lines on it, impact is low but still a headache which they do pay nicely for.

    Ive also seen a great trend in higher end collectible cars. Something that appeals to a broad audience and has shown steady gains. Big fan of the 60's Ferraris 240 GT Dino, currently out of my range...till I win the lotto.
  • derrybderryb Posts: 36,585 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Red. . . or maybe black.

    "How many times can a man turn his head and pretend he just doesn’t see?” - Bob Dylan

  • Jinx86Jinx86 Posts: 3,701 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Lol Derry, took me a sec but I picked it up. Would be heck of a fun weekend in Vegas....have to get mug shots to remember it.
  • PlacidPlacid Posts: 11,299 ✭✭✭
    I would do 50% Crude oil etf. 50% Bank.
    Only if wanting to hold the money long term (5yrs +).
  • Thanks everyone, it is a wise idea to take my time and decide as to where I would like to put the money. I will need the money in 5 years. I was or still am real estate excessive. I will sell the rest within 5 years, if I am sill around. I have a farm which is the biggest of my assets. I am getting to old to worry about ever becoming rich. Just being and remaining comfortable is all I care about, and any left overs given to my heirs.
  • jmski52jmski52 Posts: 22,638 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I will need the money in 5 years. I was or still am real estate excessive. I will sell the rest within 5 years, if I am sill around. I have a farm which is the biggest of my assets. I am getting to old to worry about ever becoming rich. Just being and remaining comfortable is all I care about, and any left overs given to my heirs.

    As you reveal more of the picture it seems to me that staying with liquid and semi-liquid assets is a good approach. Along those lines, I'd still lean toward a pipeline fund that throws off some revenue.

    Still, decisions like this depend on your total financial picture and not just the $150K. If your place is fully paid off, that makes a difference. If you have other financial assets, that enters into the equation as well.

    Your access to funds when you need them is a consideration, in addition to some degree of safety. I agree with staying out of a landlord situation.
    Q: Are You Printing Money? Bernanke: Not Literally

    I knew it would happen.
  • air4mdcair4mdc Posts: 881 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I'm not sure where you are at in this life's journey, but your age should play a factor in your decision, but more important, your financial health.
    If your doing ok, purchase a stock(s) that pay a good dividend. Another choice would be to put it all into Apple...... and sit back and enjoy the ride.
    You seem aware of the real estate nightmares.......I know people that do this but mostly for tax write- offs as opposed to making a small fortune. My advice is stay away.
    Stay away from PM's if your 50+...... cuz you will be 70+ before you cash in. I know some will differ, but look at the historical data.
    The other option is, life is short, use the money for your enjoyment.
    Or you can give it to meimage
    Good luck....... You will make the right choice!
  • Yes, I do need a liquid pipeline. I am starting to build one. I owe nothing but a small amount on a credit card, which will be paid off with some of my $150K. I have a 167 acre farm that brings in a small income every year. But like I say that will be sold in the next few years. My silver and gold are mainly collector pieces of modern silver eagles, gold eagles and buffalos. I am good, my health is the worst part right now, got to change eating habits and smoking habits. I want to leave my heirs something and still not to have to worry month to month about money. I am not a big spender. Just give me shelter, food and clothing and I am just fine.

    Does the typing seem slow on your computer while typing on this site
  • guitarwesguitarwes Posts: 9,256 ✭✭✭

    << <i>Does the typing seem slow on your computer while typing on this site >>

    Not really, but I do type slow because I know alot of forum members can't read very fast.

    @ Elite CNC Routing & Woodworks on Facebook. Check out my work.
    Too many positive BST transactions with too many members to list.
  • Well, I fixed my computer now it is working fine. Couldn't type with a darn without backing up before.

    Seems as though the market is on a small Tanking. I guess it is the air strikes.
  • BAJJERFANBAJJERFAN Posts: 31,057 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>I'm not sure where you are at in this life's journey, but your age should play a factor in your decision, but more important, your financial health.
    If your doing ok, purchase a stock(s) that pay a good dividend. Another choice would be to put it all into Apple...... and sit back and enjoy the ride.
    You seem aware of the real estate nightmares.......I know people that do this but mostly for tax write- offs as opposed to making a small fortune. My advice is stay away.
    Stay away from PM's if your 50+...... cuz you will be 70+ before you cash in. I know some will differ, but look at the historical data.
    The other option is, life is short, use the money for your enjoyment.
    Or you can give it to meimage
    Good luck....... You will make the right choice! >>

    Tenants and rentals are mostly a PITA and a problem best avoided, IMO. YMMV. Tax write-offs are equally silly. Take your gains/profits, pay your taxes and enjoy/spend your money.
  • Yeah, no more real estate for me. No profits there, just frustration and loses. I do not know where these younger generations are going, it will not be good. When a society does not know right from wrong, the future will not be bright. When the courts condone it just to keep themselves busy you know it is the end of real estate. In Cook County Illinois the Landlord has no rights, the courts favor the Tenant. Don't pay and tear it down. Sad state if affairs.
  • You may as well be asking "what have you invested in?"-naturally, everybody thinks their own picks make the most sense. I would have a broad stock exposure through an S&P 500 tracking etf-and I think you should watch CNBC and listen to the talking heads for ideas. Invest in the pick that you think has the best arguments in its favor.
  • MGLICKERMGLICKER Posts: 7,995 ✭✭✭

    << <i>You may as well be asking "what have you invested in?"-naturally, everybody thinks their own picks make the most sense. I would have a broad stock exposure through an S&P 500 tracking etf-and I think you should watch CNBC and listen to the talking heads for ideas. Invest in the pick that you think has the best arguments in its favor. >>

    << <i>If have $150K, where would I want to put it and remain relatively safe. >>

    Trust me CRH.....SP500 at 2000 is far from relatively safe.
  • DrBusterDrBuster Posts: 5,351 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Originally posted by: DrBuster

    It's probably a safe bet that KO is going to up their ownership %s in GMCR and MNST.

    Bump for this. Cause I didn't read the email the other day and missed the announcement. About 80% pop this week.

  • Musky1011Musky1011 Posts: 3,899 ✭✭✭✭
    Land... Yes real estate.. Some farmland with woods... You will be able to grow your own food.. Food and clean water is the most important thing we need...
    Pilgrim Clock and Gift Shop.. Expert clock repair since 1844

    Menomonee Falls Wisconsin USA

    http://www.pcgs.com/SetRegistr...dset.aspx?s=68269&ac=1">Musky 1861 Mint Set
  • derrybderryb Posts: 36,585 ✭✭✭✭✭
    "Mortgaging" a residential property for a son or daughter is a good play, especially if you put it their name and your name. This allows them to take advantage of homestead exemption tax break and protects both parties in the event of the death of the other. I found doing this as a low interest rate loan to my son (paid cash for the house, created a personal loan) gave the son a better monthly payment and provided me a greater return than bank savings interest. As I explained to the son it was a win-win for him - the house (and what money from him that I saved) would all go to him in the long run, so in affect, he was building equity.

    "How many times can a man turn his head and pretend he just doesn’t see?” - Bob Dylan

  • georgiacop50georgiacop50 Posts: 2,909 ✭✭✭✭
    There is some good advice here.... now it be up to the OP to sift thru it to find the gems of wisdom.
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