Getting 1962 Green Tints Re-Holdered as Green Tints
Just wondering if any one has had experience submitting 1962 green tints graded without the green tint designation. I recently submitted 76 of them, thinking it would be a no brainer on most with maybe some problems with the Ruth cards. Instead 45 were rejected. I'm currently fighting my way up the "food chain" but I think PSA has dug in their heels. Any thoughts or experiences? Thanks.
Took me two years to get the 1967 Punchouts (three variations) added to the Killebrew Master set.
Sometimes I have gotten them to see it my way others I have had no luck.
Good luck!
edited to add; Why were your cards rejected?
If you get Bartsch to publish a variation, PSA will then add it to their specs in the research department and begin to make the distinction on the grading label.
Bowman Baseball -1948-1955
Fleer Baseball-1923, 1959-2007
<< <i>Nice tread on 62 Greenies from 54 post war
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<< <i>Nice thread on 62 Greenies from 54 post war
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Very informative, thanks!
But, my eye just isn't buying that #170 Ron Santo is the green tint version. Anyone else see this?
<< <i>Yes, a good article.
But, my eye just isn't buying that #170 Ron Santo is the green tint version. Anyone else see this? >>
I think it is but its more obvious when the 2 are side by side. When I get the cards back i'd be willing to post but I'll need help uploading...just can't master photo bucket. I can't log on, nor can I re-register.
Bowman Baseball -1948-1955
Fleer Baseball-1923, 1959-2007
Hello Joe,
After doing extensive research, reading up on several articles, and talking to the graders, the final decision has been made. Unfortunately at this point in time, the green tint designation is “opinion based,” and ultimately our graders will decide whether or not it is to be labeled a green tint variation. Since many of the cards have potentially very subtle green tints, it is very very hard to distinguish whether or not they could be designated as a green tint variation.
In regards to your order, at this point in time our graders feel more comfortable labeling your cards as they are and not adding the green designation to the label . I apologize for the delay and any inconvenience this has caused. Please know, that in the future this decision might change, so you are always allowed to resubmit them in the future.
Please let me know if I can release your order and ship it back to you.
Veronica Lopez
Customer Service Manager
When the cards are back in hand, I will scan all 45 side by side with the regular issue and with someone's help, I'll post them for your perusal and opinions. PM me and I'll share my response to the above email. FRUSTRATING!
<< <i>Please know, that in the future this decision might change, so you are always allowed to resubmit them in the future. >>
For a fee, or will they do it for you since you asked originally and got declined?
Bowman Baseball -1948-1955
Fleer Baseball-1923, 1959-2007
<< <i>
<< <i>Please know, that in the future this decision might change, so you are always allowed to resubmit them in the future. >>
For a fee, or will they do it for you since you asked originally and got declined? >>
I asked that question but have yet to receive an answer. I originally had a deal to submit 76 cards at $4 each. Being that they shot down 45 cards, I'm out $180. My question to them is if they don't recognize the facts about green tints now, what could possibly change their minds-----and how much would they milk me in fees to accomplish this?
<< <i>I have a "set" of the greenies with my 62 set. Side by side they are easy to spot. There are almost always cropping as well as color differences ( and pose differences in some cases), in part because the greenies were likely produced by a separate printer. But if a grader has only one card before him/her, I can understand why there might be uncertainty on some of the cards. Since I don't collect graded cards and since the greenies are otherwise well recognized in the hobby, I do not really care what PSA does on these >>
I sent them scans, plus printed articles highlighting the differences. It was like banging my head against the wall----"very subtle green tints" means they are green, subtle or not! Are they suppose to be as green as Kermit the Frog? I would completely agree with you about who cares what PSA thinks but I had this crazy notion of having a completely graded "super" set since this was the first set I ever collected as a kid.
I submitted about 60 cards to be relabeled while attending the White Plains show that PSA was set up at. I paid a per card fee. They took them back to CA., relabeled about 20 as green tints and returned all of them. A few months later I went to the same WHite plains show and visited with the same PSA person again. She was very nice. This time I gave her the 40 cards that didnt get relabed and I presented scans of my green tint card next to the no tint version. I point out that in some cases it has nothing to do with being green. But in all cases the versions are cropped differently ( more of the left side shows in the case of green tints) and green tints are usually blurry. Also the border is a lighter brown than the No Tints. I emailed the scans to her and she presented the cards to the grader along with the scans and everyone of them came back labeled correctly. Also this time I wrote the word "Green Tint Version" on each of the 40 lines on the submission form. I think that helps a lot otherwise they might not consider the poosibility. Additionally she did not charge me again and PSA picked up the tab calling it a technical grading error. I wouldnt assume they know more about green tints than you do. Make every effort to make it easy for them to get it right. You would think they would get scans for themselves. Put the two versions together and its darn easy to see in most cases. There are a couple that are very difficult though. Dick Hall 189 and Neiman 182 are tough to tell even when they are sitting side by side. The best way to distinguish those is the cropping. The turnaround time to fix those was very fast and it was completely free to resubmit them. All of my green tints are marked correctly (thank you PSA) now and Im number 2 on the Super Set register with only 1 more to go to finish the Super Set. Dallas Green and I need the No Tint version. Hasnt been one for sale in a couple of years but plenty have sold before that per VCP. If you needs scans or help with Green Tints Im available.
They've been selling a bunch of Greenies lately. I just got this lot from them, and am very happy with how they turned out.
Complete Set
Kiss me twice.....let's party.
<< <i>Had a similar experience with green tints but got it resolved very favorably. Here is what happened.
I submitted about 60 cards to be relabeled while attending the White Plains show that PSA was set up at. I paid a per card fee. They took them back to CA., relabeled about 20 as green tints and returned all of them. A few months later I went to the same WHite plains show and visited with the same PSA person again. She was very nice. This time I gave her the 40 cards that didnt get relabed and I presented scans of my green tint card next to the no tint version. I point out that in some cases it has nothing to do with being green. But in all cases the versions are cropped differently ( more of the left side shows in the case of green tints) and green tints are usually blurry. Also the border is a lighter brown than the No Tints. I emailed the scans to her and she presented the cards to the grader along with the scans and everyone of them came back labeled correctly. Also this time I wrote the word "Green Tint Version" on each of the 40 lines on the submission form. I think that helps a lot otherwise they might not consider the poosibility. Additionally she did not charge me again and PSA picked up the tab calling it a technical grading error. I wouldnt assume they know more about green tints than you do. Make every effort to make it easy for them to get it right. You would think they would get scans for themselves. Put the two versions together and its darn easy to see in most cases. There are a couple that are very difficult though. Dick Hall 189 and Neiman 182 are tough to tell even when they are sitting side by side. The best way to distinguish those is the cropping. The turnaround time to fix those was very fast and it was completely free to resubmit them. All of my green tints are marked correctly (thank you PSA) now and Im number 2 on the Super Set register with only 1 more to go to finish the Super Set. Dallas Green and I need the No Tint version. Hasnt been one for sale in a couple of years but plenty have sold before that per VCP. If you needs scans or help with Green Tints Im available. >>
That is what eventually happened with me. I sent the cards back with scans of the regular issue and put post it notes on the green tints pointing out crop differences,etc. I was not charged again, but it was a hassle re-submitting and wasting money on postage. Anyway, all was resolved and I'm #4 on the 1962 Super Set registry.
Good to know that these cards are also distinguished by cropping.