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Sort it Out, PSA

Haven't posted here in a while, but I thought I'd bring this up with this board since it is PSA's board. Maybe there are some employees who can chime in as well.

On a different message board, I suggested that Old Judge cards should be categorized in the pop reports according to individual pose. Previously, they had just recorded which player it was, and not which pose. PSA in fact did make the change and now categorizes the card graded in the pop reports by player pose. I want to thank them for their responsiveness. However, there is one small problem.

Instead of categorizing the previously graded cards with unknown poses as "unknown", as they did for T206's, they discreetly lumped all the previously graded unknown cards in with a random pose. They in fact did this for every single player in the set. So the pop reports for each pose are completely inaccurate and thus useless for any collector wondering the rarity of a certain pose.

A perfect example is Ed Delahanty - pop reports indicate that for "Throwing, RHand Head High" they have graded 14 such specimens, including a PSA 8, the only PSA 8 in existence for Big Ed. But in fact the PSA 8 in reality is not the throwing pose, it is "Hands at Waist". The pop report is wrong, and it is in fact wrong for virtually every single player since they lumped all the unknown cards in with a random pose.

While I thank them for initially tempting to address the situation, of course, it is useless to record the pose information if that info has been blatantly recorded inaccurately. Hope to hear how PSA plans to rectify the situation.


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