WOW - DOMINIQUE is still a HIGH RISER! Have you seen this 86 auction results?

$8,200 for the 86 Sticker in PSA 10
Previous one went $5,200
HOLY SHNIKIES - ARE YOU SERIOUS!?!?!? Send in those stickers folks! I know this one is tough, but come on!
PS - while we're at it, Bird 10 sticker for $4,350, Jabbar for $6,600 - Kareem seems like a steal compared to Nique considering there's only 8 of them
For crying out loud, the MJ only gets around $3,000, so he's AT BEST the 4th best sticker from the set?
People have completely lost their minds
Previous one went $5,200
HOLY SHNIKIES - ARE YOU SERIOUS!?!?!? Send in those stickers folks! I know this one is tough, but come on!
PS - while we're at it, Bird 10 sticker for $4,350, Jabbar for $6,600 - Kareem seems like a steal compared to Nique considering there's only 8 of them
For crying out loud, the MJ only gets around $3,000, so he's AT BEST the 4th best sticker from the set?
People have completely lost their minds
i guess here's the thing for me - none of these are actually that RARE - Jabbar at 8 is pretty low but everything else is 15+ with TONS of them still out there not graded yet
At these prices, you're looking at $25,000 for the set -
In the registry right now, 2 are complete (maybe one of those is what just got broken up?), there are 2 more missing only 1 card and another that needs 4 cards upgraded. I think it's safe to assume that 2 of those 3 are probably done now even if one goes away unless someone new joined the fray (seems unlikely).
And on Dominique, one hammered at $5,200 in April and now it's $8,200? Why? What made that card $3,000 more expensive, did someone from PSA come out say "we're never going to award a 10 to those stickers again"? It takes at least 2 people to push a bid that high, maybe our candidates were the two from above so only one of them made out?
I think people should start sending in the stickers. There's just as many of each sticker as there are the regular cards, but the submission ratio is 7.5 to 1 which means there are TONS of these stickers still out there.
In fact, is it possible that a lot of the 9 qualifiers are because of wax stains that could be cracked, cleaned and resubbed? it's been a long time since I've messed with these things but that's how I remember them.