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Coin Designer Series limited print of George T. Morgan by artist C. D. Daughtrey

This drawing took a couple of months of study to come up with, because there are no good front-on portrait photographs of George T. Morgan. This is the first likeness of him at this age in this pose. I have a number of portraits I have drawn of the designers of United States coins available at my website - cdaughtrey.com

Limited edition of 250 prints will be made of this drawing, and each is serial numbered and hand signed by the artist. Price: $49, which includes delivery. Click the link above to order. Prints will be shipped the first week of June, when they come back from the printer and I have a chance to sign all of them.

C. D. Daughtrey, NLG
The Lincoln cent store:

My numismatic art work:
USAF veteran, 1986-1996 :: support our troops - the American way.


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