no he's not sure i have ALL the facts, but from what i can gather, u and him made a ridiculous bet that he didnt pay up to? and hes NOT a bad trader, weve traded several times flawlessly! ryan is an awesome guy, quit dissing him.
ya and a liar, he has been going around telling ppl im a scammer, even though every trade ive had on here has gone great, I think he just needs something to do, because he is a pathetic LITTLE man. i no longer have any respect for him, and i hope people dont listen to all the bs he hands out. he whines and moans on other posts when the people dont go through on their bets, and now look what he does. lol hypocrite??
jbugs who exactly are you talking about???? If this is another stupid ebtting thing then I hope carol sees it and bans whoever is involved in the betting. IT is just a big waste of time.
Interested in Kobe Bryant, Game Used, Rare Inserts, Rookies, and Autos. References: Derrick(3),Teletubbie, MT Grinch, Kenny21, Awaltz, 2323, sypako, hondo, CoryZbinden(2)biggjc, boopopo2, Cardnyou, nismo68, Speedmaster, Baljit and more
Owner of the longest actual word in the "One word Post"
LOL, yeah I'm the worst LMAO, all those references in my sig are people I've never even talked to LOL
Again, allow me to recap the people who don't like me: airkobe, DaBeef, jbugs and Undertaker. A bunch of total nobodies. Gee, I sure hope that everyone will still trade with me now that THESE powerhouses have weighed in LMAO
read previous posts from weeks ago, like once every week or 2 somebody is whining because somebody doesnt come through on their bet, and uwftke26 is always right there to bash the guy for not sending the card/s. remember all the yahoo pool whining?
my god you're so pathetic.. and a damn hypocrite too.. u started this whole betting-thing by challenging airKobe08, you wanted to be 'DA MAN' lol the tough guy.. you're just a complete zero.. I have guys like you figured out from the moment they even type a word
a nobody?? lol, ok, thats why i have probably just as many trades on here as you, not to mention on other sites, boards, auctions, lol. so that makes me a nobody?? why because i dont rip anybody??
Personal Collection
References: Derrick(3),Teletubbie, MT Grinch, Kenny21, Awaltz, 2323, sypako, hondo, CoryZbinden(2)biggjc, boopopo2, Cardnyou, nismo68, Speedmaster, Baljit and more
Owner of the longest actual word in the "One word Post"
Again, allow me to recap the people who don't like me: airkobe, DaBeef, jbugs and Undertaker. A bunch of total nobodies. Gee, I sure hope that everyone will still trade with me now that THESE powerhouses have weighed in LMAO
I don't care if he made a goo dtrade with you it's the next man that matters idiot.
Personal Collection
Like I said
Karma pays back 50 times harder. Don't matter if it's 20 years from now or 3 days from now. Beware
Hi carol
You owe me, dodgerguy, and nbasteve cards though.
remember that
keep this word in your head uwftke26
Not you or anybody can stop me.
And no carol is a email pal. She's a laker fan.
Dam i really thought we had something that we chould use for this oh ya we do PM!!!!
Glenn Robinson Auto Collection 7/21
Tha Finger ... Tha Stunner ... Tha Legend.
I see...
So now your saying this didnt happen or what?
Go on, explain...
For the rest, yep, we mad an informal bet, I lost and didn't send him anything. I never stole any cards from him.
<< <i>Dabeef, I would try expaining it to you, but I know your crackhead mother didn't teach you any of my fancy big-city words like 'the.'
For the rest, yep, we mad an informal bet, I lost and didn't send him anything. I never stole any cards from him. >>
You idiot.. You admit you made a $150 bet, lost, and didnt pay up...
But its not ripping somebody off.
Case closed Ryan...