Need emails from people I've traded with here for reference purposes at a few other sites....
Posts: 1,504
I don't recall who all I've even traded with here, but, I don't have much success at finding deals that make both ends happy anymore so I'm trying to find sites where I can get trades done (where the focus doesn't seem to be so basketball) and need the emails of those that recall trading with me. I looked through my PM's so have an idea of who most I have traded with are but figured a post would make it easier for all to just see and those willing to get me email addresses. Thanks to those who respond.
hope this helps, Bill
have traded with : Dscallon , Jrccrum ( Chris ) & TNGRANTS,Woodson24kg(2),Chayne2(3)Manix(2),Danmarinocollector,Jrccrum(2),Bonnie(2),Bladefox, Teletubbie,cpdhenry,Doplo,Awaltz,Dirtmonkey,Co1lector,Playr50 ,Nash+ many more
I'm at
Feel free to use me as a reference!
PS. I mailed your cards yesterday.
my website
References: Batman34, TopofOhio, McDee, JRCCrum, JSA, Sporto, Derrick, many others.
See ya
,magazineman,McDee2,WhiteTornado,Quasar31,and tons more!