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Baseball Autograph Question

Just got back from my first spring training trip. Brought a bunch of balls and had many autographed. Some guys sign in the sweet spot - which looks great on display. Other guys sign in weird spots, like under the MLB logo or under the Rawlings logo.... wondering if anyone has heard an explanation as to why anyone signs someplace other than the sweet spot. And is it ok for me to ask them to sign the sweet spot?

Collecting Rockies, HOFers, and my favorites from the 70s through today.


  • In my experience, guys don't realize that you're only getting their autograph on a particular ball, so they sign based on who they are. For example, when I got Detroit Tiger signatures in spring training as a kid, all of the players would save the sweet spot for someone like Al Kaline (was retired, but is always at Spring Training) or Sparky Anderson. You didn't want a team autographed ball with Dwight Lowry on the sweet spot and Al Kaline sandwiched between Lou Whitaker and Gary Pettis.

    So, basically, they probably just think that you're getting many more autographs on that ball.
  • thenavarrothenavarro Posts: 7,497 ✭✭✭
    Despite the fact that you help pay for their salary and financial security by going to games and buying merchandise, a lot of them would be aghast if they thought you might be able to make $5 extra dollars off their sig if it was on the sweet spot.

    Buying US Presidential autographs
  • Same is true in other areas for about the same reasons. While Jackie Gleason was alive, the rest of the cast always left "his spot" open for him to sign on the "bus photos" and others. Even after he died, they continued this. Now, you can spot some forgeries based on incorrect placement alone. And some folks just sign where they like - others are guided by the available areas for the best contrast and others will sign anywhere w/o looking. Leonard Nimoy once signed in black on black for me, and he enjoyed our conversation and walk! I don't think he even thought of it.

  • Some players are intentionally "jerkish" to do this because they know that's the most valuable location even when the player isn't great. In the old days, the manager signed there (I think I've heard it called the manager's spot before) so they won't sign there if they aren't the manager. I imagine some players are contracted not to sign there and then there are the oblivious ones or ones who find it easier to sign elsewhere. For some people, they prefer not to have it signed on the sweet spot if it's a special logo ball.
  • tnsprotnspro Posts: 787 ✭✭✭
    It is a long held unwritten rule that the manager signs the sweet spot and the players sign the panels. If you ask them to sign the sweet spot, they might or might not. In recent times, asking to sign the sweet spot outside of a paid signing makes the player think you are going to sell it.

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  • bouncebounce Posts: 1,094 ✭✭✭
    agreed, manager is for the sweet spot on team signed stuff

    if you want them to sign sweet spot, i would hand them the ball with sweet spot toward them, but unless its a rookie i wouldn't ask for it

    stars generally don't like it and assume you're selling

    even "semi-stars" do it - Ryan Klesko once threw the ball back to me without signing when i asked him to sign sweet spot - RYAN KLESKO!
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