Baseball Autograph Question
Just got back from my first spring training trip. Brought a bunch of balls and had many autographed. Some guys sign in the sweet spot - which looks great on display. Other guys sign in weird spots, like under the MLB logo or under the Rawlings logo.... wondering if anyone has heard an explanation as to why anyone signs someplace other than the sweet spot. And is it ok for me to ask them to sign the sweet spot?
Collecting Rockies, HOFers, and my favorites from the 70s through today.
So, basically, they probably just think that you're getting many more autographs on that ball.
Currency Wants: Any note with serial number 00000731
if you want them to sign sweet spot, i would hand them the ball with sweet spot toward them, but unless its a rookie i wouldn't ask for it
stars generally don't like it and assume you're selling
even "semi-stars" do it - Ryan Klesko once threw the ball back to me without signing when i asked him to sign sweet spot - RYAN KLESKO!