oversized cards to psa?
I have a set of late 30's Goudey Black and Whites that measure approximately 5" along the bottom and about 7.5" inches high .
How do you submit those size cards to PSA?
this message board has been very helpful and look forward to any help
thank you
greg bechtel
Below are the current approximate card holder sizes. These are the maximum sizes; there are many inserts available to provide a more custom fit for smaller cards. Please note that all cards and tickets vary in size. Occasionally, a card or ticket will not fit into the designated holder. If this occurs it will be placed in a Mylar sleeve and put in an oversized holder. There are also card/ticket issues that PSA's current holders cannot accommodate, but may be holdered in the future as new holders are introduced.
Standard - 2 11/16" x 3 13/16"
Tall Boy - 3 1/2" x 5 1/ 6"
Supersized (Ticket) - 3 5/8" x 7 1/2"
Supersized (Check) - 4 1/4" x 10"
T-3 Holder - 5 3/4" x 8" >>
1994 Pro Line Live
do you guys know where to get the t-3 holders?
thanks again
1994 Pro Line Live