I committed to the peace dollars before you pulled the photos And before you edited your offering to say "off to e-bay". I turned my PM on then sent you my Paypal address to either write me or send me an invoice for payment! So today you tell me to go and bid on an auction that is not listed instead of taking my paypal payment for silver dollars you offered on here and I publically stated I would take? This really can't be how it works on here can it? I agreed to the five lot pictured of peace dollars for $125.00*,turned on my box and further confirmed. Now you sold them on e-bay!
I turned my PM on then sent you my Paypal address to either write me or send me an invoice for payment!
So today you tell me to go and bid on an auction that is not listed instead of taking my paypal payment for silver dollars you offered on here and I publically stated I would take?
This really can't be how it works on here can it? I agreed to the five lot pictured of peace dollars for $125.00*,turned on my box and further confirmed. Now you sold them on e-bay!