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If you couldn't be #1 in the Registry?

My question is,"If you knew you couldn't be #1 would you sell and start a set that you could be"?
Registry 1909-1958 Proof Lincolns


  • DHeathDHeath Posts: 8,472 ✭✭✭
    Nope. I collect what I like. Given enough time, my collection will be superb (#1 or not). It's a 30yr hobby for me with 30 more to go I hope. PCGS is fun, and has invigorated my collecting habit, and it is fun to compare and compete, but at the end of the day, I still own whats in my safe and that's what matters to me.image
    Developing theory is what we are meant to do as academic researchers
    and it sets us apart from practitioners and consultants. Gregor
  • FairlanemanFairlaneman Posts: 10,424 ✭✭✭✭✭
      This is Answered with a very Emphatic NO !!
        The Little Babies are Very Dear to Me just as Yours are to You. As said before the Registry is Just a Sidelight that Happens to give Out Much Pleasure because of the People in it. Without the Registry probably the People Never would have been meet. Hopefully one of these days Meeting them in Person will happen.
          Being #1 Just is " No Big Thing " and Truthfully not within the Coin Budget Range. Building the Best Set within the Budget is Acceptable.
          1. rkfishrkfish Posts: 2,617 ✭✭✭
            No way!

            I know without a doubt I'll never be #1 but I collect what I like...Peace and Morgan Dollars. The addiction is REAL so for those who don't take my word and stay away!image

            Check out my PQ selection of Morgan & Peace Dollars, and more at:
          2. PQpeacePQpeace Posts: 4,799 ✭✭✭

            I love my Peace and Morgan dollars.
            I will never be above # 4 where I am now.
            The registry is great software to keep track of my coins image
            Larry Shapiro Rare Coins - LSRC
            POB 854
            Temecula CA 92593
            310-541-7222 office
            310-710-2869 cell

            PCGS Las Vegas June 24-26
            Baltimore July 14-17
            Chicago August 11-15
          3. I started collecting Proof Jeffersons with the intention of being #1. If I didn't think I could do it I would have looked for another series.

            Then with that accomplished I wanted to get back to my type set. I checked and there was going to be absolutely no way I could be #1. But that is what I wanted to do. I am having much more fun on this set because of the variety and because of the interaction on these board.
          4. I have to go with Larry and Steve on this one. There is no chance that I will ever have a number one morgan set yet it is what I want (need) to collect. If I were to complete the set and have to sell it for some reason, I would start over with morgans.

            What will kill a thread faster than a reply from Ritchie?
          5. Even though I know it will be very tough to unseat the 3 spots above my MS-Modern Gold Commemorative Registry Set, I will stick with it for the long term. One day those sets might be sold off, and I can gradually work my way up the ladder. So my answer is NO, I will stand my ground even if I never make it to #1.
          6. KAJ1KAJ1 Posts: 774 ✭✭✭
            I too agree with Larry.
            I love my Lincoln's.I know I will never have the set # 1-10 have.
            I don't care.It is a great way to list my coins.
            My family can also see what I own without asking me what coins do I need.( x-mas , birthday ) image

            The bottom line is these are MY coins. As long as I enjoy them that's all that matters.
            I have no problem being #40 or being #1000 in the Lincoln game.

            Another reason is , If you ever wanted to get back in (I assume you like what you collect )
            Prices might be way out of touch. 6 months ago I bought 1952 p-d-&s ms66rd Lincolns fo $80.00 for all 3.
            Pcgs now has the 1952-p alone worth $185.00. Some coins are on fire!!!!!!!!!!!
            So..being #1 is not important.

            Have fun !!


          7. merz2merz2 Posts: 2,474
            The collective opinion is "No",or so I gather.I'm just getting burned out on the Lincoln Proofs and the prices realized have put upgradeing out of my reach(finacially speaking).I was thinking of selling and trying a different set.Thanks for all your input.Maybe after 20 years the lure of something new,learning about a different series is what I'm after.It isn't just not being #1.
            Registry 1909-1958 Proof Lincolns
          8. I collect just for fun of putting the sets together. It used to be nice to be in the top 5 so you didn't have to look for your set but now that's not necessary.

            Some of my sets that reached #1 were a matter of completion. My shield nickel CS set is still the only one ever completed although not a high grade set its still #1 ATF.

            The registry is a good organizer and motivator to complete and upgrade a set. And, is fun to compete.

            My Other Hobby
          9. andy007andy007 Posts: 475
            Don, you already know how I feel about that 1937 CAM Lincoln you have, the amount of money that that one coin would sell for would be too tempting for me to sell it, especially since you made it yourself and didn't pay the enormous amount that it would bring. Of course, I guess that's part of the reason you would also want to keep it. My advice is to buy a few other type coins of series that have high interest with you and see if that gets you going again.
          10. GQGQ Posts: 360
            I am going to fill the holes in my '38 proof Jefferson set and try to get in the top dozen......being number one for a while with 0% DCAM. That will put me at number one. My other #1 goal is to put together a proof "68" late proof Jefferson set. When it is completed I will be number one. I have only two coins in the '38 Jeff mint set but being number one will be to end up with a MS "65" rating. Where else can you submit two coins and be in the high twenties.....(Who am I fooling).

            ......My largest number one goal is to not get mixed up with the Merc guys..............

            Have fun..

            NICKEL TRIUMPH...
          11. WingsruleWingsrule Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭✭
            I collect what I like. If it comes out on top, so be it.

          12. No way! I collect what I like! The registry just adds to the fun!
          13. FairlanemanFairlaneman Posts: 10,424 ✭✭✭✭✭
            GQ (Gary):
              We Do Not BITE !!! Actually I was Thinking about suggesting to Don to think about the Merc's.image
            1. jcpingjcping Posts: 2,649 ✭✭✭

              > "If you knew you couldn't be #1 would you sell"

              No. Collecting is for fun. If I need $$$, I might sell; nevertheless it is not for the reason that I cannot be #1.

              > "and start a set that you could be"?

              Yes, if I couldn't move up because of un-availability of coins or too pricy for the ones in the market, I would start a new set to have new fun image
              an SLQ and Ike dollars lover
            2. No! I am workign on a Morgan set.....and If I were to register it I would be luck to get in the top 50.

              What's the big deal abot being number 1??

            3. goose3goose3 Posts: 11,471 ✭✭✭
              I came as close as #2 with my Flying Eagles but have since slipped to 4 or 5. The only way a common person like me could ever become #1 would be if I were to sell my house, car, wife, and kids.

              I don't like my set any less. I've had to work hard for the one!
            4. dldallendldallen Posts: 359 ✭✭

              I'm with the majority too. I have no visions of being #1 in any of my current sets (unless my lottery number came in!image) But I put them together and they're all mine. I'm proud of them and wouldn't trade them for anything. I think working on several different sets keeps me from the "burned out" feeling you are experiencing. When I focus on one set and get frustrated, I simply set it aside and work on one of the others for a while. Heck, I even have some nice darkside that really gets me out of the slab mindset. Hang in there friend and if at all possible, hang on to your gems and start on some others that might be attractive to you. Heck, just post on the darkside board that you're interested and you'll have all kinds of offers to help you start there! Take care, Dave
            5. LincolnCentManLincolnCentMan Posts: 5,347 ✭✭✭✭
              Yep, I'm going to beat out the top five Lincoln Set holders and take the number one spot.... NOT. I have no chance of getting a top five set in this denomination, much less a #1. Even if I did sell out (which I'm thinking about doing), I dont think there's a set out there that I could complete AND have the #1 spot.

              I collect what I like. Not what I can gain prestige for.

            6. merz2merz2 Posts: 2,474
              After revueing all of your advice,I've come to a decision.I will send my 1937 PR66 Cam Lincoln to Heritage for one of their upcomeing auctions.I'll use the money to purchase another 1937 PR66 RD and the 1936 PR65 RD Satin that I need to complete my Registry Set.Any money left over will go to bills and a vacation.Thanks for all the input.It is greatly appreciated.
              Registry 1909-1958 Proof Lincolns
            7. keithdagenkeithdagen Posts: 2,025
              I will always have a #1 set. image

              I registered the first of the new Modern Type CS sets when they were opened up for entry, so I took a screen print showing me as #1. I will not be able to keep that spot forever, but I'll always have the screen print for my personal enjoyment. image
              Keith ™

            8. DHeathDHeath Posts: 8,472 ✭✭✭
              Don, my PM reply doesn't work from home. I get a java error. I'll PM tomorrow, but it sounds to me like you've taken good advice.
              Developing theory is what we are meant to do as academic researchers
              and it sets us apart from practitioners and consultants. Gregor
            9. Wow, that sounds like a very big decision Don. I know that '37 is special. By all means let us know if it does make it to auction and when. That way we can get the bidding started and root for a really high price!
            10. merz2merz2 Posts: 2,474
              I am extremely dissappointed in Heritage.I just received a standard form letter offering to buy my 1937 PR66 CAM Lincoln,only after I send it to them for their appraisel.What I had asked is that they contact me in regards to consigning it to one of their auctions.They didn't even bother to check their own My Collection area to see what I had.Needless to say I told them what I thought of their form letter and their offer to buy my coin.
              Registry 1909-1958 Proof Lincolns
            11. No one is beating a path to offer me copious amounts of major bucks for my Registry sets, but I never expected they would and built my sets accordingly. I think that presently I own one set (Ike Proofs) that is # 1 on the NGC site. Keith Dagen and I have been in a great contest to be #1 with the NGC Type Set Registry. However, there are some strong competitors lurking on this registry, that when they turn their attention to Type Sets, I am history.
              I have never seen a Peace Dollar that I did not like!!
            12. No sell here, I know my set will never be in the top 5 but I enjoy collecting the set at the level its at now I may upgrade later then again maybe not.


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            13. BRdudeBRdude Posts: 1,079 ✭✭✭
              No way for me either. I have no hope of ever attaining probably even in the top 10, but who cares. I enjoy seeing myself go up whenever I add another one. YEA!! raised the average a quarter of a point, and up 1 more spot!!! That is what is fun to me. Plus, like others said it is a great way to keep track of everything, and for others to see where your at also. The exact spot your at matters little.image
              AKA kokimoki
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              To protest against all hunting of game is a sign of softness of head, not soundness of heart. Theodore Roosevelt
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