If you couldn't be #1 in the Registry?
My question is,"If you knew you couldn't be #1 would you sell and start a set that you could be"?
Registry 1909-1958 Proof Lincolns
Registry 1909-1958 Proof Lincolns
and it sets us apart from practitioners and consultants. Gregor
This is Answered with a very Emphatic NO !!
The Little Babies are Very Dear to Me just as Yours are to You. As said before the Registry is Just a Sidelight that Happens to give Out Much Pleasure because of the People in it. Without the Registry probably the People Never would have been meet. Hopefully one of these days Meeting them in Person will happen.
Being #1 Just is " No Big Thing " and Truthfully not within the Coin Budget Range. Building the Best Set within the Budget is Acceptable.
I know without a doubt I'll never be #1 but I collect what I like...Peace and Morgan Dollars. The addiction is REAL so for those who don't take my word and stay away!
Check out my PQ selection of Morgan & Peace Dollars, and more at:
I love my Peace and Morgan dollars.
I will never be above # 4 where I am now.
The registry is great software to keep track of my coins
POB 854
Temecula CA 92593
310-541-7222 office
310-710-2869 cell
PCGS Las Vegas June 24-26
Baltimore July 14-17
Chicago August 11-15
Then with that accomplished I wanted to get back to my type set. I checked and there was going to be absolutely no way I could be #1. But that is what I wanted to do. I am having much more fun on this set because of the variety and because of the interaction on these board.
I love my Lincoln's.I know I will never have the set # 1-10 have.
I don't care.It is a great way to list my coins.
My family can also see what I own without asking me what coins do I need.( x-mas , birthday )
The bottom line is these are MY coins. As long as I enjoy them that's all that matters.
I have no problem being #40 or being #1000 in the Lincoln game.
Another reason is , If you ever wanted to get back in (I assume you like what you collect )
Prices might be way out of touch. 6 months ago I bought 1952 p-d-&s ms66rd Lincolns fo $80.00 for all 3.
Pcgs now has the 1952-p alone worth $185.00. Some coins are on fire!!!!!!!!!!!
So..being #1 is not important.
Have fun !!
Registry 1909-1958 Proof Lincolns
Some of my sets that reached #1 were a matter of completion. My shield nickel CS set is still the only one ever completed although not a high grade set its still #1 ATF.
The registry is a good organizer and motivator to complete and upgrade a set. And, is fun to compete.
My Other Hobby
......My largest number one goal is to not get mixed up with the Merc guys..............
Have fun..
We Do Not BITE !!! Actually I was Thinking about suggesting to Don to think about the Merc's.
> "If you knew you couldn't be #1 would you sell"
No. Collecting is for fun. If I need $$$, I might sell; nevertheless it is not for the reason that I cannot be #1.
> "and start a set that you could be"?
Yes, if I couldn't move up because of un-availability of coins or too pricy for the ones in the market, I would start a new set to have new fun
What's the big deal abot being number 1??
I came as close as #2 with my Flying Eagles but have since slipped to 4 or 5. The only way a common person like me could ever become #1 would be if I were to sell my house, car, wife, and kids.
I don't like my set any less. I've had to work hard for the one!
I'm with the majority too. I have no visions of being #1 in any of my current sets (unless my lottery number came in!
I collect what I like. Not what I can gain prestige for.
Registry 1909-1958 Proof Lincolns
I registered the first of the new Modern Type CS sets when they were opened up for entry, so I took a screen print showing me as #1. I will not be able to keep that spot forever, but I'll always have the screen print for my personal enjoyment.
and it sets us apart from practitioners and consultants. Gregor
Registry 1909-1958 Proof Lincolns
U S Navy
">Franklin Halves
">Kennedy Halves
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To protest against all hunting of game is a sign of softness of head, not soundness of heart. Theodore Roosevelt