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Vcp help, kinda? Direction of market? Ryan just sold for $7900

Hey guys,
My vcp has expired a looong time ago. I know it's a minimal sample size but what's the vcp for a 1971 PSA 9 Nolan Ryan? It just sold on eBay for $7877.77. Oh, plus $7.50 for the shipping. Really? Couldn't throw it in? Just kidding about throwing the shipping in before it's defenders start attacking.

Was gonna bid but it went up 2-3000$ in the last minute.

So I was wondering if the market is leveling out a little. What's vcp say for the last few years?
Thanks again.

...was gonna ask before the auction ended but didn't want to be accused by Mary c. of trying to increase interest. I in no way have any association with this card.


  • ClockworkAngelClockworkAngel Posts: 1,994 ✭✭✭
    It doubled since the last sale so wouldn't at all say leveling off. At least not 1971 Ryans
    The Clockwork Angel Collection...brought to you by Bank of America, Wells Fargo, and Chase
  • 60sfan60sfan Posts: 311 ✭✭✭
    The card that just sold looked really nice!
  • It did look sharp. Tho for that kind of money I looked real close. Did you see the tilt? Looked like the bottom right corner a little closer to the edge than the upper right. What's the vcp going price?

    Clockwork angel......so it doubled in price? Hindsight, yes I'd pay 4k for that same condition card
  • Never mind regarding vcp help unless want to post for others.
    A very nice forum member took his time to pm me the info.
    Also, didn't know vcp updated just about immediately.

    Wow, they are skyrocketing. But in that condition it's a beautiful card!!
    Used to have prob a PSA 8 growing up. Maybe 9. Who knows
  • SDSportsFanSDSportsFan Posts: 5,152 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Anyone else have a problem with the flip on that '71 Ryan?

    It sure does not look right to me!


  • Nothing looks wrong with the flip. A little older? Yes, but it just looks like they enhanced the photo a little too much. Card and holder appear to be just fine.

    BTW - Thats a nice card.
  • Dpeck100Dpeck100 Posts: 10,912 ✭✭✭✭✭
    1971 Ryan PSA 9

    Here is the auction.

    I assumed who the winner was but just figured I would check. I bet he would have gone a lot higher too.

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