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Warning! Block this person at your own risk!

In 16 years or so on ebay, have never encountered anyone like thebaseballmachine who is also toppsaholic.

I will try to keep this as brief and to the point as I can;

Several months ago sold a few items to thebaseballmachine transactions went fine. Sold a few more items to thebaseballmachine at a later date, he was slow pay, but no big deal. Sold a few items to thebaseballmachine, now he wants extra time to pay, asks nicely, so I agree, but am getting tired of his slow pay. I decide to do nothing.

A while back, I see his name mentioned on these boards as someone who is "capturing" scans of items he wins, and lists them for sale before he has paid for them. Thought this was pretty shady, but decided to not worry about it. Thought it was very poor selling practice.

A few weeks ago he won several items from a seller I know here in Minnesota and have bought from, and sold to in the past without problem. They couldn't agree on combined shipping and my friend decided to cancel the transaction and refunded the money. Of course thebaseballmachine couldn't accept that and gave the seller several negative feedbacks. I decided to block thebaseballmachine.

On Feb. 2nd I got a message from thebaseballmachine inquiring as to what was wrong, "what did I do I hope we didn't upset you ?"

I felt I owed him an explanation (I know, DUMB) and politely told him why I had blocked him and asked him please do not contact me in the future.

Feb 3rd I received five different emails claiming I had made his wife cry and calling me a female dog and threatening " i will come visit you and we can have coffee to discuss your spinal structure" and "so now you have shown youre a small female dog also. figure that one out -- yes i called you a female dog. if you had a spine you wouldhv got your facts straight -- MAYBE its me that is the honorable trustworthy friend and your Minnesota compadre who is a squirrel." and "do not intercourse with us." and (this one from toppsaholic)"hi sweets !! how will you block all our accounts ? I don't see it; I just don't see it."

Feb 4th email saying "You made my wife cry = not cool. See you soon buddy"

I have contacted ebay and they are looking into it.

I am also thinking of checking into if this contact is either harassment, stalking, or equal to a threat, "see you soon buddy" he is trying to be clever here, but I wonder if law enforcement in his area will see it that way.

Block him at your own risk. The funny thing is if he had politely explained why he left those negatives I may have unblocked him............not now, not ever!

Any comments on how I handled this?
2013,14 and 15 Certificate Award Winner Harmon Killebrew Master Set and Master Topps Set


  • hyperchipper09hyperchipper09 Posts: 1,460 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I think you handled it fine on your end from what I can see. Wouldn't worry nor give a second thought to that. As for law enforcement involvement, there's a crapshoot.
  • tigerdeantigerdean Posts: 910 ✭✭✭
    Yet another lowlife that continues to give me a reason not to sell on ebay. Thanks for outing him.
  • Any comments on how I handled this?

    "Sold a few items to thebaseballmachine, now he wants extra time to pay, asks nicely, so I agree, but am getting tired of his slow pay. I decide to do nothing."
    "A while back, I see his name mentioned on these boards as someone who is "capturing" scans of items he wins, and lists them for sale before he has paid for them. Thought this was pretty shady, but decided to not worry about it."

    I'm sorry this nut is bothering you. Agree this guy is a psycho. Most threats are empty by small people talking big to hide fear. But I'd make a call
    perhaps. But engaging in explanatory discourse with someone leaving negs and doing shady biz that you blocked...

  • grote15grote15 Posts: 29,761 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Another keyboard warrior, and a broke one at that..

    Collecting 1970s Topps baseball wax, rack and cello packs, as well as PCGS graded Half Cents, Large Cents, Two Cent pieces and Three Cent Silver pieces.
  • StingrayStingray Posts: 8,843 ✭✭✭
    Can you send those emails to eBay and have them boot him off??
  • WhiteTornadoWhiteTornado Posts: 2,102 ✭✭✭

    << <i>Another keyboard warrior, and a broke one at that.. >>

    I think that sums it up pretty well from what you've told us. Hang in there.
  • It's too bad that total jerks like this can have such a negative impact on normal folks who just want to enjoy the hobby. My guess is that he's a miserable individual and gains some happiness by trying to make others unhappy. I blocked him. Thank you for telling us about this guy and I hope you never hear from him again.
  • JoeBanzaiJoeBanzai Posts: 12,034 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>Can you send those emails to eBay and have them boot him off?? >>

    Spent quite a long time this morning on the phone with ebay. Frankly, they didn't seem real interested in helping me, but I was quite insistent and they agreed to do an investigation.

    I don't hold out a lot of hope for any real results, I figured posting here would be the best way to get the word out.
    2013,14 and 15 Certificate Award Winner Harmon Killebrew Master Set and Master Topps Set
  • Blocking the A**Clown and thanks for sharing. I think you handled it about as best as you could've. You can't always predict crazy.
    I'm a big Nolan Ryan fan OK???!!!
  • JMDVMJMDVM Posts: 950 ✭✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>Can you send those emails to eBay and have them boot him off?? >>

    Spent quite a long time this morning on the phone with ebay. Frankly, they didn't seem real interested in helping me, but I was quite insistent and they agreed to do an investigation.

    I don't hold out a lot of hope for any real results, I figured posting here would be the best way to get the word out. >>

    I recently had 2 go rounds with Ebay over a member who keeps contacting me even though I blocked him. He went so far as to attach a group photo, which I was in and a friend had posted on another thread, on to the email. Ebay kept assuring me that that would take action but couldn't tell me what that action would be. My sense is they can't do poop to stop someone and even suggested I contact law enforcement if it continued. Apparently blocking someone from bidding does not block them sending messages. Personally I would not have explained why you blocked him, but I think reselling your items before he pays for them would have been a better explanation.
  • otwcardsotwcards Posts: 5,291 ✭✭✭
    I've found, as hard as it may be to believe, that in most cases, having such battles with people that are loose cannons is fruitless. Rather than explain myself, I've concluded that ignoring and not saying a word is sometimes the best medicine. I've had eBayers contact me claiming my price was too high and crapping on the card while making a low-ball offer. I could engage. I could respond with my typical smart-Alec commentary or some long-winded ripping with a ton of innuendo, but that rarely does anything more than inciting the students on the Loony Toon Campus...

    While the likelihood of anything physical happening as a result of thebaseballmachine's "threats" are minimal, I can understand the trepidation. However, rather than fret and get yourself into a frenzy trying to nip it in the bud or involving eBay, just let the troll vent. I'd note the mailing address and if he bids under another ID, contact eBay and explain that you wish to have the transaction cancelled and refer to the previous correspondence you've had with eBay with regard to this buyer.
  • JoeBanzaiJoeBanzai Posts: 12,034 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>Rather than explain myself, I've concluded that ignoring and not saying a word is sometimes the best medicine. >>

    Yes, I did consider that, as I noted in my OP. I try to always respond to a polite question, and he was at one time a good customer, so I thought I would let him know that his actions had consequences and perhaps he could learn from the experience.

    I did kind of figure he would be unhappy, but didn't think he would go so far over the line. If he does decide to visit me, my large dog and 12 gauge shotgun will be ready to greet him.
    2013,14 and 15 Certificate Award Winner Harmon Killebrew Master Set and Master Topps Set
  • dtkk49adtkk49a Posts: 2,489 ✭✭✭
    If he threatened you with physical harm, I would report it to law enforcement. You may not be the first person he has done this to and his actions need to be documented. Don't hold your breath waiting for eBay to take action.
    Follow me - Cards_and_Coins on Instagram

    They call me "Pack the Ripper"
  • JoeBanzaiJoeBanzai Posts: 12,034 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>If he threatened you with physical harm, I would report it to law enforcement. You may not be the first person he has done this to and his actions need to be documented. Don't hold your breath waiting for eBay to take action. >>

    He said " i will come visit you and we can have coffee to discuss your spinal structure" and "See you soon buddy" I don't think that's an actual threat of physical harm, but I will check it out.
    2013,14 and 15 Certificate Award Winner Harmon Killebrew Master Set and Master Topps Set
  • mrmint23mrmint23 Posts: 2,249 ✭✭✭
    Search this board or google Joey Farino aka blackitalian, lexguy81. Similar situation
  • GriffinsGriffins Posts: 6,076 ✭✭✭
    everyone is a lot braver behind a keyboard or a steering wheel.

    Always looking for Topps Salesman Samples, pre '51 unopened packs, E90-2, E91a, N690 Kalamazoo Bats, and T204 Square Frame Ramly's

  • JoeBanzaiJoeBanzai Posts: 12,034 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Agree with last two posters. This is the first time anything has happened to me on ebay.

    Figured the best thing I could do would be to post here and let people know what kind of lunatic he is.

    2013,14 and 15 Certificate Award Winner Harmon Killebrew Master Set and Master Topps Set
  • Mickey71Mickey71 Posts: 4,261 ✭✭✭✭
    Plain and simple...he needs to be kicked off EBAY. Doesn't really matter if he follows through with threats or not....he made threats. "PROBLEM"...he uses multiple accounts and probably will continue to do so.

  • JoeBanzaiJoeBanzai Posts: 12,034 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>Plain and simple...he needs to be kicked off EBAY. Doesn't really matter if he follows through with threats or not....he made threats. "PROBLEM"...he uses multiple accounts and probably will continue to do so.

    Dannyimage >>

    I agree, he brags about it, "and for what its worth I WILL BUY YOUR ITEMS ANY ANY ANY TIME I WANT -- i will have you shipping to my cousin in Oklahoma or my aunt in texas".

    He has two accounts that I know of; toppsaholic in Halifax, Ma and thebaseballmachine a P.O. box in Plymouth, Ma.

    I am surprised that ebay doesn't have a way to simply block messages from others that you don't want to be in contact with. Most websites have a "block" option on messages.
    2013,14 and 15 Certificate Award Winner Harmon Killebrew Master Set and Master Topps Set
  • 76collector76collector Posts: 986 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Hey guy's, I just listed a bunch of 70's cards up on ebay and toppsaholic just contacted me asking why I blocked them. I don't know if anything else ever came of this post, but I think I will just go the ignore them route.
    I cannot hit curveball. Straightball I hit it very much. Curveball, bats are afraid.
    post world war II HOF rookie
    76 topps gem mint 10 commons 9 stars
    Arenado purple refractors(Rockies) Red (Cardinals)
    successful deals with Keevan, Grote15, 1954, mbogoman

  • << <i>Hey guy's, I just listed a bunch of 70's cards up on ebay and toppsaholic just contacted me asking why I blocked them. I don't know if anything else ever came of this post, but I think I will just go the ignore them route. >>

    From what I am reading, your block has saved you from drama
  • If he threatens to cut you with his 2 foot light saber then it is CrissCriss from these forums. IMO
  • dennis07dennis07 Posts: 1,842 ✭✭✭
    edited October 31, 2018 11:44AM
    Collecting 1970 Topps baseball
  • This content has been removed.
  • The world is full of jerks and this guy is another inadequate loser. He's ticked off that someone figured out his little enterprise he's got going. Tell him to come on over and meet your two brothers Smith and Wesson. Just ignore and not engage this clown. Good luck!
  • You did nothing wrong, He cannot take rejection keep and print out his e-mails and if he keeps up threatning you take it to the proper authorities.
  • Hi! I am currently experiencing the same stuff from toppsaholic. Hes called my personal number and threatened me and my family. I am currently building a case through ebay. If anyone would like to share their dealings please contact me or post them. Thanks

  • If you have facebook I am chris slatzer. The one with the rock shirt on. please feel free to message me.Thanks!

  • BatpigBatpig Posts: 460 ✭✭✭

    You may want to post this over at Net54. He's known over there and has posted, but his posts are pretty insane. Not insane good, but the posts of someone that isn't playing with a full deck.

  • ReggieClevelandReggieCleveland Posts: 3,818 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Holy nutballs, Batman. This Toppsaholic dude is about as insecure as it gets.


  • Panama Mutiny Panama Mutiny Posts: 2,194 ✭✭✭✭

    @tigerdean said:
    Yet another lowlife that continues to give me a reason not to sell on ebay. Thanks for outing him.

    where do u sell ?

  • Mickey MaysMickey Mays Posts: 289 ✭✭✭

    @lawyer05 said:

    @tigerdean said:
    Yet another lowlife that continues to give me a reason not to sell on ebay. Thanks for outing him.

    where do u sell ?

    Would also like to know where you sell?

  • ZTargZTarg Posts: 497 ✭✭✭

    @lawyer05 said:

    @tigerdean said:
    Yet another lowlife that continues to give me a reason not to sell on ebay. Thanks for outing him.

    where do u sell ?

    His post was 4 1/2 years ago, so he may not get right back to you. lol

  • From my past experiences on eBay you'll never resolve this matter through eBay they may take them off but he'll just come back I normally don't post comments I just like to read but with eBay on so frustrated with their practices and policies I've been off for almost a year the last customer I had did cause me concern bought an item told him told eBay she never received it and then flat out told me that she wasn't going to pay for it when I saw it listed on her website she told me to go to the authorities and see if they would do anything knowing they won't

  • @JoeBanzai said:
    In 16 years or so on ebay, have never encountered anyone like thebaseballmachine who is also toppsaholic.

    I will try to keep this as brief and to the point as I can;

    Several months ago sold a few items to thebaseballmachine transactions went fine. Sold a few more items to thebaseballmachine at a later date, he was slow pay, but no big deal. Sold a few items to thebaseballmachine, now he wants extra time to pay, asks nicely, so I agree, but am getting tired of his slow pay. I decide to do nothing.

    A while back, I see his name mentioned on these boards as someone who is "capturing" scans of items he wins, and lists them for sale before he has paid for them. Thought this was pretty shady, but decided to not worry about it. Thought it was very poor selling practice.

    A few weeks ago he won several items from a seller I know here in Minnesota and have bought from, and sold to in the past without problem. They couldn't agree on combined shipping and my friend decided to cancel the transaction and refunded the money. Of course thebaseballmachine couldn't accept that and gave the seller several negative feedbacks. I decided to block thebaseballmachine.

    On Feb. 2nd I got a message from thebaseballmachine inquiring as to what was wrong, "what did I do I hope we didn't upset you ?"

    I felt I owed him an explanation (I know, DUMB) and politely told him why I had blocked him and asked him please do not contact me in the future.

    Feb 3rd I received five different emails claiming I had made his wife cry and calling me a female dog and threatening " i will come visit you and we can have coffee to discuss your spinal structure" and "so now you have shown youre a small female dog also. figure that one out -- yes i called you a female dog. if you had a spine you wouldhv got your facts straight -- MAYBE its me that is the honorable trustworthy friend and your Minnesota compadre who is a squirrel." and "do not intercourse with us." and (this one from toppsaholic)"hi sweets !! how will you block all our accounts ? I don't see it; I just don't see it."

    Feb 4th email saying "You made my wife cry = not cool. See you soon buddy"

    I have contacted ebay and they are looking into it.

    I am also thinking of checking into if this contact is either harassment, stalking, or equal to a threat, "see you soon buddy" he is trying to be clever here, but I wonder if law enforcement in his area will see it that way.

    Block him at your own risk. The funny thing is if he had politely explained why he left those negatives I may have unblocked him............not now, not ever!

    Any comments on how I handled this?

    How did this all turn out for you ?

  • @Slatzman said:
    Hi! I am currently experiencing the same stuff from toppsaholic. Hes called my personal number and threatened me and my family. I am currently building a case through ebay. If anyone would like to share their dealings please contact me or post them. Thanks

    Hello Slatzman!!

    Sadly predictable to find you here still crying about your $20 purchase. Unreal. Get a grip; everyone knows Toppsaholic gives pushback. If you dont like it, dont push!

    Screenshots and feedback .....your lifeline

  • @Batpig said:
    You may want to post this over at Net54. He's known over there and has posted, but his posts are pretty insane. Not insane good, but the posts of someone that isn't playing with a full deck.

    Hi batpig!! Living anonymously eh ?

  • @Mickey71 said:
    Plain and simple...he needs to be kicked off EBAY. Doesn't really matter if he follows through with threats or not....he made threats. "PROBLEM"...he uses multiple accounts and probably will continue to do so.


    Hello Danny !

    4 years later ...still not "kicked off ebay" --over 10,000 feedback no negs ...hmmmm

    maybe you have too much time on your hands?

  • @sideordertodd said:
    The world is full of jerks and this guy is another inadequate loser. He's ticked off that someone figured out his little enterprise he's got going. Tell him to come on over and meet your two brothers Smith and Wesson. Just ignore and not engage this clown. Good luck!

    guns threats ? who monitors this place?

  • @tigerdean said:
    Yet another lowlife that continues to give me a reason not to sell on ebay. Thanks for outing him.

    Hello TigerDean !!
    yes im "outed" --now what ??

    so youre not on ebay ? oh no !

    Under $20 items on ebay = problems due to the clowns that buy it

  • @76collector said:
    Hey guy's, I just listed a bunch of 70's cards up on ebay and toppsaholic just contacted me asking why I blocked them. I don't know if anything else ever came of this post, but I think I will just go the ignore them route.

    oh no !! we're blocked from your items.

    its EBAY ! helllllloo ? anyone can buy from anyone you fool

  • @Stingray said:

    Can you send those emails to eBay and have them boot him off??

    .....it does not look that way .......

  • @ReggieCleveland said:
    Holy nutballs, Batman. This Toppsaholic dude is about as insecure as it gets.


    insecure ? nice conclusion, anonymous person !!

  • @sideordertodd said:
    The world is full of jerks and this guy is another inadequate loser. He's ticked off that someone figured out his little enterprise he's got going. Tell him to come on over and meet your two brothers Smith and Wesson. Just ignore and not engage this clown. Good luck!

    sideordertodd where do you live?

    i will come over with smith and wesson to your job at wally world

  • @magikbilly said:
    Any comments on how I handled this?

    "Sold a few items to thebaseballmachine, now he wants extra time to pay, asks nicely, so I agree, but am getting tired of his slow pay. I decide to do nothing."
    "A while back, I see his name mentioned on these boards as someone who is "capturing" scans of items he wins, and lists them for sale before he has paid for them. Thought this was pretty shady, but decided to not worry about it."

    I'm sorry this nut is bothering you. Agree this guy is a psycho. Most threats are empty by small people talking big to hide fear. But I'd make a call
    perhaps. But engaging in explanatory discourse with someone leaving negs and doing shady biz that you blocked...


    Great Insight !

    good stuff magicbilly ?/eric anonymous fool

    good show

  • HighGradeLegendsHighGradeLegends Posts: 1,693 ✭✭✭✭


  • bishopbishop Posts: 2,917 ✭✭✭

    His profile indicates he is not a one hit wonder....and that he is going places.

    Topps Baseball-1948, 1951 to 2017
    Bowman Baseball -1948-1955
    Fleer Baseball-1923, 1959-2007

  • GreenSneakersGreenSneakers Posts: 915 ✭✭✭✭

    I’ll be blocking Toppsaholic as well.

    @Toppsaholic Please feel free to insult away. Seems like your thing.

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