Stars on the big and small screen...

Watching the Seinfeld episode with Keith Hernandez and was thinking about other stars that have been in the movies or on a TV show. Anyone have a favorite movie or show that had a star ball player in it?
Brett Favre was on something about Mary.
"what the hell is Brett Favre doing here? Were playing the dolphins ya dumbass!!
Card Country
Graded stars 1950's-1980
Fred Lynn
Steve Garvey
Ellis Valentine
George Brett
Ken Brett
<< <i>I remember the simpsons had a bunch of baseball stars on during the 90's.
<< <i>
Great call, BEST..........SIMPSONS............EVER
Steve Sax
Ozzie Smith
Griffey Jr.
In the director/producer commentary, they said all the guys were pretty easy to get along with.............except Canseco
1991 & 1992 Fleer Pro Visions
1952 Topps
Kareem Abdul Jabbar played a man stuck in a car after an accident .
They couldn't fit him in the ambulance
Vintage Football Card Gallery
Dick Butkus
Lawrence McCutcheon
Tim Rossovich
Deacon Jones
Roman Gabriel
Bubba Smith
I've gotta say, it was funny watching Butkus and Jones get "owned" by Lynda Carter
The following were in an episode of Buck Rogers in the 25th Century:
Elgin Baylor
Anthony Davis
Thomas "Hollywood" Henderson
Carlos Palomino
Jerry Quarry
James Worthy was in an episode of Star Trek: the Next Generation
<< <i>Frank Thomas was on Married with Children. >>
That episode had Joe Morgan, Ernie Banks, Mike Piazza, Joe Namath, Brett Saberhagan amongst others. They had another episode with Steve Carlton, Sugar Ray Leonard and Ed Too Tall Jones.
Joe Klecko in Smoky and the Bandit
César Cedeño, Enos Cabell, Ken Forsch, Bob Watson and J.R. Richard in The Bad News Bears in Breaking Training. Let them Play!!
Wes Parker on the Brady Bunch
The Simpsons had an episode with with Ken Griffey Jr, Roger Clemens (he was cackling like a chicken), Wade Boggs, Mike Scioscia, Darryl Strawberry and Don Mattingly (shave those sideburns!!)
Also the Simpsons Drederick Tatum was a spoof of Mike Tyson obviously. They also had a Don King parallel character named Lucius Sweet
Roger McDowell was in the "Nice Game Pretty Boy"/Magic loogie Seinfeld episode as well
<< <i>Joe Namath on Brady Bunch was classic
Joe Namath on the Simpsosn was a classic warning of the dangers of vapor lock!
Join the Rookie stars on top PSA registry today:
1980-1989 Cello Packs - Rookies
Current obsession, all things Topps 1969 - 1972
"Molon Labe"
<< <i>I just saw an episode of Emergency!
Kareem Abdul Jabbar played a man stuck in a car after an accident .
They couldn't fit him in the ambulance
Doug >>
Joey: Wait a minute. I know you. You're Kareem Abdul-Jabbar. You play basketball for the Los Angeles Lakers.
Roger Murdock: I'm sorry, son, but you must have me confused with someone else. My name is Roger Murdock. I'm the co-pilot.
Joey: You are Kareem! I've seen you play. My dad's got season tickets.
Roger Murdock: I think you should go back to your seat now, Joey. Right, Clarence?
Captain Oveur: Nahhhhhh, he's not bothering anyone. Let him stay here.
Roger Murdock: But just remember, my name is...
[showing his nametag]
Roger Murdock: ROGER MURDOCK. I'm an airline pilot.
Joey: I think you're the greatest, but my dad says you don't work hard enough on defense.
[Kareem gets angry]
Joey: And he says that lots of times, you don't even run down court. And that you don't really try... except during the playoffs.
Roger Murdock: [breaking character] The hell I don't! LISTEN, KID! I've been hearing that crap ever since I was at UCLA. I'm out there busting my buns every night. Tell your old man to drag Walton and Lanier up and down the court for 48 minutes.
<< <i>Frank Thomas was on Married with Children. >>
And in Mr. Baseball.
<< <i>
<< <i>I just saw an episode of Emergency!
Kareem Abdul Jabbar played a man stuck in a car after an accident .
They couldn't fit him in the ambulance
Doug >>
Joey: Wait a minute. I know you. You're Kareem Abdul-Jabbar. You play basketball for the Los Angeles Lakers.
Roger Murdock: I'm sorry, son, but you must have me confused with someone else. My name is Roger Murdock. I'm the co-pilot.
Joey: You are Kareem! I've seen you play. My dad's got season tickets.
Roger Murdock: I think you should go back to your seat now, Joey. Right, Clarence?
Captain Oveur: Nahhhhhh, he's not bothering anyone. Let him stay here.
Roger Murdock: But just remember, my name is...
[showing his nametag]
Roger Murdock: ROGER MURDOCK. I'm an airline pilot.
Joey: I think you're the greatest, but my dad says you don't work hard enough on defense.
[Kareem gets angry]
Joey: And he says that lots of times, you don't even run down court. And that you don't really try... except during the playoffs.
Roger Murdock: [breaking character] The hell I don't! LISTEN, KID! I've been hearing that crap ever since I was at UCLA. I'm out there busting my buns every night. Tell your old man to drag Walton and Lanier up and down the court for 48 minutes. >>
Captain Oveur: Roger
Roger Murdock: huh?
The Airplane , naked gun and police squad series crack me up every time.
My Hoard of 93 Finest Refractors and 94 Pinnacle Artist Proofs and Museums
1994 Pro Line Live
Alex Karas - "Webster"
Don Drysdale - "Leave It To Beaver"
There was a really funny sketch on Saturday Night Live when Helen Hunt hosted where baseball players kept coming out of Chris Kattan's maigic closet. "You can do anything you want if you put your mind to it Billy. Just ask Todd Hundley and Mark Grudzlenak"
And finally, Cam Neely as Sea Bass.
Last Thursday night, SNL had a one hour special with a selection of skits with athlete hosts and sports themes. Good excuse to show the classic Peyton Manning United Way video short. Ranks up there with "Men's Synchronized Swimming", "60 Minutes Counterfeit Novelties Expose (Minkman Brothers)", "Smelt Night (baseball themed)", "Co$@ in a Box", among others.
Best movie line ever, " I came here to chew some bubble gum and kick some a$$, and I am all out of bubble gum!!
Baseball Dreams
Mom.....Helen Hunt
Danny.....Chris Kattan
Ted Brogan.....Will Ferrell
Mom: .."And Santa told Teddy the Turtle, 'Even turtles get presents for Christmas.'"
Danny: That's a great story, Mom!
Mom: Goodnight, honey. Tomorrow's Christmas! It's going to be a big day.
Danny: I don't care if I get any presents. I just wanna be a pro baseball player when I grow up!
Mom: You can do anything you want, Danny. Just follow your dreams. But in the meantime, get some sleep. [ exits Danny's room ]
Danny: [ curls up in bed ] I'm gonna be a baseball player! [ a light appears in his closet ] Wha.. who's there?
Todd Hunley: [ steps from out of the closet ] Hello, Danny.
Danny: [ excited ] Wow! Todd Hunley, from the New York Mets!
Todd Hunley: That's right. I'm just here to tell you you should follow your dreams. You can do it! You can be a pro ballplayer!
Danny: [ excited ] I can?
Todd Hunley: Sure you can. You can do anything you set your mind to. Just ask Scott Rolan, National League Rookie of the Year.
[ Scott Rolan steps out from the closet ]
Danny: Wow! Scott Rolan!
Scott Rolan: Hey, Andy!
Danny: It's not Andy. It's Danny.
Scott Rolan: Whatever, kid. Hey! You can fulfill your dream. This is North America!
Todd Hunley: We usually just say America.
[ Mark Wohlers steps out of the closet ]
Mark Wohlers: That's right, kid.
Danny: [ excited ] Mark Wohlers!
Mark Wohlers: You can do anything you wanna do. This ain't Russia, sport!
Danny: [ confused ] But Russia's a democracy now..
Mark Wohlers: Quit being a f*g. You get the point.
Danny: Mark Wohlers called me a f*g.. [ sniffs ]
Todd Hunley: Be cool, kid. Don't cry.
Mom: [ from the hall ] Is everything okay, honey?
Todd Hunley: [ grabs Danny's arm ] Tell your Mom that everything's okay!
Scott Rolan: It's too late! Hide! [ crouches behind the door, as the other two ballplayers crouch behind the bed ]
Mom: [ enters room ] Honey? Is everything okay?
Danny: [ scared ] I'm fine, Mom..
Mom: It smells like chew in here.
Danny: I don't smell anything..
Mom: Alright. Get some sleep. [ exits ]
Mark Wohlers: [ stands up ] Hey.. your Mom's hot!
Danny: Hey! What did you say?
Mark Wohlers: I said you can succeed at whatever you want.
Danny: No, you didn't!
Mark Wohlers: Yeah, it's true! Just ask Marty Cordova of the Minnesota Twins, and Jeff Fassero of the Seattle Mariners.
[ Marty Cordova and Jeff Fessero step out of the closet ]
Marty Cordova: Hey.. Benjamin..
Jeff Fassero: No. I think it's Danny.
Danny: Yeah, it's Danny!
Jeff Fassero: Mind if we smoke? [ smokes ]
Danny: Kind of.. [ coughs ] Listen, I want you guys to leave!
Jeff Fassero: You might want us to leave, but do you want Greg Jeffries of the Philadelphia Phillies, Mark Grudzielanek and Rondell White of the Montreal Expos to go?
[ Greg Jeffries, Mark Grudzielanek, and Rondell White step out of the closet ]
Danny: Yeah, I think I do!
Greg Jeffries: Listen, kid. You can be anything you wanna be. Just set your mind to it.
Rondell White: Yeah, kid. Go for your dreams.
Danny: A bunch of guys have said that already. It's pretty much meaningless now!
Greg Jeffries: Well, sor-ry, you little punk!
Mark Wohlers: [ pulls propeller off of toy model airplane ] Hey, kid! I think I broke this!
Danny: [ angry ] Hey, come on! Imade that!
[ Todd Zeile, Russ Davis, and Cliff Floyd step out of the closet ]
Todd Zeile: Hi. I'm Todd Zeile. This is Russ Davis and Cliff Floyd. We're professional ballplayers, too.
Cliff Floyd: Where's the food? You got any food?
Danny: No! Get out!
[ ballplayers start to party in Danny's room ]
Mark Wohlers: [ picks up radio ] Hey, man! Does this radio work?
Danny: [ annoyed ] Yes! I don't even know who you guys are! Where's Ken Griffey, Jr.
Todd Hunley: Ah, don't worry about it. He's gonna stop by later. We dropped him off at a strip joint down the street.
[ ballplayers cheer, as David Howard and Mike Sweeney step out of the closet with a keg ]
David Howard: Where's the party!
Danny: David Howard and Mike Sweeney! Go away! Guys, you're gonna wake up my Mom!
[ more ballplayers step out of the closet, including Ted Brogan and his dog ]
Ted Brogan: Hey, where are the girls?
Danny: Who's that guy? Hey, he's not even weating a uniform!
Ted Brogan: I'm Ted Brogan. I played a little minor league ball in the 80's. I was supposed to play in Japan, but I failed a drug test. so.. This is my master, Hannibal. [ dog barks ]
Danny: Your dog scares me.
Mom: [ reenters room, turns off radio ] Honey.. what is going on in here? Who are these men?
Ted Brogan: I'm Ted Brogan. I got rollin' papers, if you got weed!
Mom: What are you doing in my son's room!
Mark Grudzielanek: [ puts his arm around Mom ] Hi, sweetheart. I'm Mark Grudzielanek.
Mom: I don't care! Put that cigarette out, shut that dog up, and everybody get out!
Todd Hunley: Hey, look, lady, we're just trying to help your kid!
Voice Outside Window: I'm naked! Whoo-hoo!
Greg Jeffries: [ looks out window ] It's Griffey! He's naked in the yard again!
[ police sirens can be heard ]
Todd Hunley: Come on! Lety's go! It's the cops!
[ ballplayers scatter out of the room ]
Ted Brogan: [ hands gun to Danny ] Can you hide this for me? Thanks. [ runs out of room ]
[ Danny cries, as Mom comes to his side ]
Mom: It's okay, honey.. they're all gone now.
Danny: That was horrible!
Mom: Do you still wanna be a baseball player?
Danny: [ throws baseball glove to the floor ] No! I don't wanna be a baseball player! [ pause ] I wanna be a basketball player!
[ suddenly, a group of basketball players run out of the closet and bounce into Danny's bed and dribble a basketball on his head ]
Favorite Movie that had a sports star (?) "Eight Men Out" - Ken Berry
Also another video called "Tears Are Not Enough" which was a Canadian song in the same vane as above, and it features Wayne Gretzky.
eBay Store
Greg Maddux #1 Master SetGreg Maddux #2 Basic Set
<< <i>I have been on a weird trail of reminiscing 80's music videos and I saw one called "Voices That Care", similar to Band Aid where they bring all kinds of talent together. In addition I happen to see Orel Hersheiser there singing along with everyone.
Also another video called "Tears Are Not Enough" which was a Canadian song in the same vane as above, and it features Wayne Gretzky.
Among the most appropriate things I have ever witnessed is Gordon Lightfoot kicking off "Tears are Not Enough"
eBay Store
Greg Maddux #1 Master SetGreg Maddux #2 Basic Set
I also liked the 1959 episode of The Donna Reed Show that featured a few members of the 1959 Los Angeles Rams, including Bill Wade and Les Richter. ---Indiana Jones (Brian Powell)
Fred Dryer was "Hunter"
Kobe was on "Modern Family" as himself
Baseball Dreams
Mom.....Helen Hunt
Danny.....Chris Kattan
Ted Brogan.....Will Ferrell
Mom: .."And Santa told Teddy the Turtle, 'Even turtles get presents for Christmas.'"
Danny: That's a great story, Mom!
Mom: Goodnight, honey. Tomorrow's Christmas! It's going to be a big day.
Danny: I don't care if I get any presents. I just wanna be a pro baseball player when I grow up!
Mom: You can do anything you want, Danny. Just follow your dreams. But in the meantime, get some sleep. [ exits Danny's room ]
Danny: [ curls up in bed ] I'm gonna be a baseball player! [ a light appears in his closet ] Wha.. who's there?
Todd Hunley: [ steps from out of the closet ] Hello, Danny.
Danny: [ excited ] Wow! Todd Hunley, from the New York Mets!
Todd Hunley: That's right. I'm just here to tell you you should follow your dreams. You can do it! You can be a pro ballplayer!
Danny: [ excited ] I can?
Todd Hunley: Sure you can. You can do anything you set your mind to. Just ask Scott Rolan, National League Rookie of the Year.
[ Scott Rolan steps out from the closet ]
Danny: Wow! Scott Rolan!
Scott Rolan: Hey, Andy!
Danny: It's not Andy. It's Danny.
Scott Rolan: Whatever, kid. Hey! You can fulfill your dream. This is North America!
Todd Hunley: We usually just say America.
[ Mark Wohlers steps out of the closet ]
Mark Wohlers: That's right, kid.
Danny: [ excited ] Mark Wohlers!
Mark Wohlers: You can do anything you wanna do. This ain't Russia, sport!
Danny: [ confused ] But Russia's a democracy now..
Mark Wohlers: Quit being a f*g. You get the point.
Danny: Mark Wohlers called me a f*g.. [ sniffs ]
Todd Hunley: Be cool, kid. Don't cry.
Mom: [ from the hall ] Is everything okay, honey?
Todd Hunley: [ grabs Danny's arm ] Tell your Mom that everything's okay!
Scott Rolan: It's too late! Hide! [ crouches behind the door, as the other two ballplayers crouch behind the bed ]
Mom: [ enters room ] Honey? Is everything okay?
Danny: [ scared ] I'm fine, Mom..
Mom: It smells like chew in here.
Danny: I don't smell anything..
Mom: Alright. Get some sleep. [ exits ]
Mark Wohlers: [ stands up ] Hey.. your Mom's hot!
Danny: Hey! What did you say?
Mark Wohlers: I said you can succeed at whatever you want.
Danny: No, you didn't!
Mark Wohlers: Yeah, it's true! Just ask Marty Cordova of the Minnesota Twins, and Jeff Fassero of the Seattle Mariners.
[ Marty Cordova and Jeff Fessero step out of the closet ]
Marty Cordova: Hey.. Benjamin..
Jeff Fassero: No. I think it's Danny.
Danny: Yeah, it's Danny!
Jeff Fassero: Mind if we smoke? [ smokes ]
Danny: Kind of.. [ coughs ] Listen, I want you guys to leave!
Jeff Fassero: You might want us to leave, but do you want Greg Jeffries of the Philadelphia Phillies, Mark Grudzielanek and Rondell White of the Montreal Expos to go?
[ Greg Jeffries, Mark Grudzielanek, and Rondell White step out of the closet ]
Danny: Yeah, I think I do!
Greg Jeffries: Listen, kid. You can be anything you wanna be. Just set your mind to it.
Rondell White: Yeah, kid. Go for your dreams.
Danny: A bunch of guys have said that already. It's pretty much meaningless now!
Greg Jeffries: Well, sor-ry, you little punk!
Mark Wohlers: [ pulls propeller off of toy model airplane ] Hey, kid! I think I broke this!
Danny: [ angry ] Hey, come on! Imade that!
[ Todd Zeile, Russ Davis, and Cliff Floyd step out of the closet ]
Todd Zeile: Hi. I'm Todd Zeile. This is Russ Davis and Cliff Floyd. We're professional ballplayers, too.
Cliff Floyd: Where's the food? You got any food?
Danny: No! Get out!
[ ballplayers start to party in Danny's room ]
Mark Wohlers: [ picks up radio ] Hey, man! Does this radio work?
Danny: [ annoyed ] Yes! I don't even know who you guys are! Where's Ken Griffey, Jr.
Todd Hunley: Ah, don't worry about it. He's gonna stop by later. We dropped him off at a strip joint down the street.
[ ballplayers cheer, as David Howard and Mike Sweeney step out of the closet with a keg ]
David Howard: Where's the party!
Danny: David Howard and Mike Sweeney! Go away! Guys, you're gonna wake up my Mom!
[ more ballplayers step out of the closet, including Ted Brogan and his dog ]
Ted Brogan: Hey, where are the girls?
Danny: Who's that guy? Hey, he's not even weating a uniform!
Ted Brogan: I'm Ted Brogan. I played a little minor league ball in the 80's. I was supposed to play in Japan, but I failed a drug test. so.. This is my master, Hannibal. [ dog barks ]
Danny: Your dog scares me.
Mom: [ reenters room, turns off radio ] Honey.. what is going on in here? Who are these men?
Ted Brogan: I'm Ted Brogan. I got rollin' papers, if you got weed!
Mom: What are you doing in my son's room!
Mark Grudzielanek: [ puts his arm around Mom ] Hi, sweetheart. I'm Mark Grudzielanek.
Mom: I don't care! Put that cigarette out, shut that dog up, and everybody get out!
Todd Hunley: Hey, look, lady, we're just trying to help your kid!
Voice Outside Window: I'm naked! Whoo-hoo!
Greg Jeffries: [ looks out window ] It's Griffey! He's naked in the yard again!
[ police sirens can be heard ]
Todd Hunley: Come on! Lety's go! It's the cops!
[ ballplayers scatter out of the room ]
Ted Brogan: [ hands gun to Danny ] Can you hide this for me? Thanks. [ runs out of room ]
[ Danny cries, as Mom comes to his side ]
Mom: It's okay, honey.. they're all gone now.
Danny: That was horrible!
Mom: Do you still wanna be a baseball player?
Danny: [ throws baseball glove to the floor ] No! I don't wanna be a baseball player! [ pause ] I wanna be a basketball player!
[ suddenly, a group of basketball players run out of the closet and bounce into Danny's bed and dribble a basketball on his head ]
<< <i>Fred "The Hammer" Williamson. played for the Raiders in the 60s and since had quite a career in motion pictures. >>
IIRC he had a 1 or 2 year stint in the MNF broadcasting booth.