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Babe Ruth tickets overpriced?

Full tickets and or stubs, games played in, home run games, world series games.
Any reason they could put Babe Ruth's name on a slab label for a ticket.

What are you opinions are the Ruth tickets overpriced, over valued?
The population reports show a respectable amount of tickets from even his "called shot" event in 1932 as well as his 3 HR performance in the 1926 world series.

With the population reports and availability of tickets on the market are these tickets over hyped?
Would be curious on your thoughts.

As years pass will we see the Ruth name value settle down.

CU Ancient Members badge member.

Collection: https://flickr.com/photos/185200668@N06/albums


  • That is a tough one. If you collect cards, a 52 mantle may be the one you would dream about and with over 1100 of them graded it might seem that they might be over priced, yet the demand is their to keep the prices growing. With the way the ticket market is growing 40 or 50 Ruth tickets of a major event may not be enough supply for the demand. Single game home run Ruth tickets in grades of 3 or better are really tough to find and may be underpriced. I believe as time passes you may see Ruth ticket prices and a few others explode as deep pockets enter this part of the hobby. Just my 2 cents.
  • tkd7tkd7 Posts: 1,799 ✭✭
    I agree, it does seem like people look for any reason to put Ruth's name on a slab, but I think that does make for a more descriptive flip than just the winning and losing pitchers.

    Ruth tickets are 80 years old at a minimum and he is the player in most demand, so I don't think we will see the market for truly historic Ruth games (3 HR WS games, called shot, last HR game in Pitt, HR 700, etc) go soft. If anything, I'd say the market for Ruth Red Sox tickets may actually be soft. Try finding those, it isn't easy.
  • akuracy503akuracy503 Posts: 1,923 ✭✭✭
    I kind of agree with TKD, The Ruth era in Boston uniform are impossible and truly unique to me.
    As a ticket collector I wasnt intrigued by the market because of the availability of tickets, unique and rare must be the top quality a ticket collector looks for. ( at least my view )

    With that said, what do you all think of the last World Series Ruth played in? Ticket from 1932 game 4, (Ruth had no significant plays, HR's etc) But the tickets seem relatively cheaper than his other HR games.

    CU Ancient Members badge member.

    Collection: https://flickr.com/photos/185200668@N06/albums

  • tkd7tkd7 Posts: 1,799 ✭✭
    1932 WS tickets at Chicago seem relatively plentiful.

    The value in the game 4 ticket isn't Ruth's last WS game but that some collectors work on the run of WS deciding game tickets. That's where the value is in my mind.
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