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WTB: 90% US Silver and/or ASEs

I'm looking to buy more US 90% silver. No slicks/culls please. Also looking for ASEs.

Quarters and halves preferred for the 90% but I'll consider dimes if the price is right.

Please let me know what you have and what your best shipped/insured price is.

If you have references on the boards, I am willing to use a fee-free payment method. If you do not have references on the boards and want a fee-free payment method then I'll have to ask you to ship the coins to me first. I have plenty of references from the boards that I'm happy to supply you with.

Thanks in advance. Happy Holidays to all!
successful transactions with: vpr, robman, piecesofme, metalsman, gdavis70, agentjim007, ranshdow and more to come!
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