Dylan Ratigan GOES OFF!
Posts: 6,669 ✭✭✭
If this is too OT, please let me know and I will ask for it to be deleted, but in my opinion it speaks to what is happening in the metals market, although indirectly.
I dont know how to link this because it is on Facebook, but if you log into your FB account and search for:
you will see this truth teller in his best commentary, maybe ever, that I have seen him do, and I have been a fan of him for awhile. When CNBC fired him over a silly comment, it was their loss and our gain because he can now speak more freely.
I dont know how to link this because it is on Facebook, but if you log into your FB account and search for:
you will see this truth teller in his best commentary, maybe ever, that I have seen him do, and I have been a fan of him for awhile. When CNBC fired him over a silly comment, it was their loss and our gain because he can now speak more freely.
To forgive is to free a prisoner, and to discover that prisoner was you.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
It's all about what the people want...
and then when actually speaks he's like the calmest guy on the planet LOL
Here's a warning parable for coin collectors...
My Adolph A. Weinman signature
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
Think before answering......he's saying he wants to give the power of the purse to the Executive branch. Might fix one problem, but what others would that create?
Sure, take money out of politics (yea, right, that's gonna happen). There is always going to be influence in politics.
Although HIS opinion on how to fix the problem certainly brings thoughts of what the consequences would be, I feel (just my opinion) the point he was attempting to make is that nothing is being done except for "the extraction of U.S. funds." Nothing is being done to prevent or even slow that down. And the fact that he is willing to say publicly something already most of know...that Congress is "bought" and they are not truly representing the people in the manner they were elected to do so.
So, for sure, many debateable thoughts in the clip, but the underlying point is that someone like him, being an anchor on TV, is willing to speak so much truth like this and a good deal of it be actual fact, and not all just some analysts opinion.
The country is being sucked dry and it must stop but no politician cares.