WTB : Attractively toned Norse Thick and/or Thin medal

Looking to buy an attractively toned Norse Thick medal. Say 62 or better. Let me know if you have something interesting and we can go from there.
1925 Norse Medal Thick Silver PCGS MS65 & Thin Silver PCGS MS64+ in PCGS DUAL HOLDER ***HD VIDEO***
Although the Thin variety is said to be the rarer of the two, when it comes to attractively toned examples, especially with rainbow color, I've seen more nice looking Thin examples than Thick, but admittedly the sample size I've seen probably isn't enough to be too meaningful.
Good luck!
Michael Kittle Rare Coins --- 1908-S Indian Head Cent Grading Set --- No. 1 1909 Mint Set --- Kittlecoins on Facebook --- Long Beach Table 448
Still looking though.
Headed to F1 races this weekend. Show me a thich with some horsepower and flash!
Here's one I will be Listing Soon, Nice Original Skin on this Super Slider...
Currently Listed: Nothing
Take Care, Dave
Still looking!
I also have a few other not PCGS Graded. They're MS 64 as well.
Hong kong/Long Beach JUNE Table #838
Cell: 512.808.3197
PCGS, NGC, CCE & NCS, CGC, PSA, Auth. Dealer
Time to revive and bump an old post. 6yrs between bumps should be enough time.
Only 1 bump per decade allowed. Your next bump will be allowed on or after January 1, 2030.