52 Week Challenge Giveaway list

I started a 52 Week challenge and decided to add a give away to the challenge.
First, see here for the low down on the 52 week challenge.
This challenge is currently scheduled to end on 8 AUG 2014, however, what I am looking for is the weight of the container once it is full. I do not know at this time if the container will be full when the challenge is complete, if it is not, I will continue to accumulate coins until it is full and will weigh the entire amount.
If it fills before the challenge is complete, we will go with the weight of the full container, not the weight of all the coins in the challenge.
Things to keep in mind:
1. The cents are all copper.
2. The dollars will be of different sizes (The photos can help you figure out the weights).
3. Weight is rounded to the nearest 1/10 of a pound.
4. You can guess at any time, if two or more people guess the same weight then the person that guessed it first winds obviously.
5. You can edit your guess until the container is full (There may be hints as we go along that may change your original guess) or until I determine changing is no longer allowed (I will post).
You can ask questions as we go along, if I chose to answer, I will post the answers for everyone to see.
The prizes will be determined as the event ensues.
Week 23: 17 JAN 14
Balance: $ 527.11
Playing catch up from the holiday break. I went out of town and was waiting for some Ike Dollars in the mail so without further delay, let's see a few weeks. I'm actually going to get a week ahead. I divided up what I had on hand and found that I could supply up to week 23, so here it is.

Officially past the rim?

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52 Week Challenge Giveaway List
52 Week Challenge Giveaway #1
PRIZE: Dave Ramsey, "Financial Peace" book.
WINNER: CoinMan93, PM sent.

52 Week Challenge Giveaway #2
I started a 52 Week challenge and decided to add a give away to the challenge.
First, see here for the low down on the 52 week challenge.
This challenge is currently scheduled to end on 8 AUG 2014, however, what I am looking for is the weight of the container once it is full. I do not know at this time if the container will be full when the challenge is complete, if it is not, I will continue to accumulate coins until it is full and will weigh the entire amount.
If it fills before the challenge is complete, we will go with the weight of the full container, not the weight of all the coins in the challenge.
Things to keep in mind:
1. The cents are all copper.
2. The dollars will be of different sizes (The photos can help you figure out the weights).
3. Weight is rounded to the nearest 1/10 of a pound.
4. You can guess at any time, if two or more people guess the same weight then the person that guessed it first winds obviously.
5. You can edit your guess until the container is full (There may be hints as we go along that may change your original guess) or until I determine changing is no longer allowed (I will post).
You can ask questions as we go along, if I chose to answer, I will post the answers for everyone to see.
The prizes will be determined as the event ensues.
Week 23: 17 JAN 14
Balance: $ 527.11
Playing catch up from the holiday break. I went out of town and was waiting for some Ike Dollars in the mail so without further delay, let's see a few weeks. I'm actually going to get a week ahead. I divided up what I had on hand and found that I could supply up to week 23, so here it is.

Officially past the rim?

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52 Week Challenge Giveaway List
52 Week Challenge Giveaway #1
PRIZE: Dave Ramsey, "Financial Peace" book.
WINNER: CoinMan93, PM sent.

52 Week Challenge Giveaway #2
Here's a warning parable for coin collectors...
<< <i>Just wanted to let everyone know that this will happen, it just stalled where we were at. >>
So, what is the current status of the jar? almost full? the pictures seem to show much emptiness remaining the jar, which if I understand correctly, means the contest will continue past Aug 8th. Update please
Amat Colligendo Focum
Top 10 • FOR SALE
Amat Colligendo Focum
Top 10 • FOR SALE
Amat Colligendo Focum
Top 10 • FOR SALE
Good trades with: DaveN, Tydye, IStillLikeZARCoins, Fjord, Louie, BRdude
Good buys from: LordMarcovan, Aethelred, Ajaan, PrivateCoinCollector, LindeDad, Peaceman, Spoon, DrJules, jjrrww
Good sale to: Nicholasz219
Amat Colligendo Focum
Top 10 • FOR SALE
Good trades with: DaveN, Tydye, IStillLikeZARCoins, Fjord, Louie, BRdude
Good buys from: LordMarcovan, Aethelred, Ajaan, PrivateCoinCollector, LindeDad, Peaceman, Spoon, DrJules, jjrrww
Good sale to: Nicholasz219