Home Buy, Sell, & Trade - U.S. Coins


Coins can be delivered at ANA Tuesday-Thursday.
For Pictures please email me at joebb21@gmail.com or send me a pm with your email.
If you would like to be added to my wholesale emailing listing, please follow above instructions.
thank you

1795 plain edge no pole 1/2c pcgs f15 1200
1855 1/2c ngc ms65 rb 1600
1918 /7 -d 5c ngc g6 975
1841 h10 pcgs ms65 cac 1150 great early date
1856 h10 ngc ms66 1025 nice color
1870 h10 pcgs pr67 cac 5500 pop 3/0 Stunning color
1885 10c ngc pf67* cam cac 3550 really attractive
1894 10c ngc pf67 cac 3400 nice
1904 10c ngc pf65 1100
1909 10c pcgs pr65 1050
1875 cc 20c pcgs xf40 975
1875 cc 20c pcgs vf30 585
1854 arrows huge o 25c pcgs vf20 cac 3250 vf20 bid $3500
1854 o arrows huge O 25c ngc vf30 3500 vf20 bid $3500 xf40 $6250
1877 s 25c ngc ms65 1350 bid 1475
1877 25c ngc ms65 1325 bid 1475
1899 50c ngc ms65 2800 bid 2900
1902 o 50c pcgs ms63 2850 bid 2850 really tough coin
1907 s 50c pcgs ms64 cac 8000 bid 8500
1912 50c ngc pf67 cac 7000
1915 d 50c pcgs ms65 cac 2550
1918 s 50c pcgs ms64 2700 bid 2800
1934 d 50c ngc ms65 1125
1960 50c pcgs ms66 fbl 1925
1798 large eagle $1 ngc vf details 1225
1860 o $1 ngc ms61 1775
1878 7/8 tf strong $1 pcgs ms65 1725
1879 o $1 pcgs ms65 2850 bid 3500
1879 Trade $1 ngc pf65 cac 8100
1880 s $1 ngc ms65 135
1881 s $1 pcgs ms66 cac 320
1881 $1 pcgs ms66 cac 2800
1882 o $1 pcgs ms65 1025
1882 $1 ngc ms65 425
1882 o $1 ngc ms65* vam 17-b R6 1250
1884 o $1 ngc ms67 cac 2800
1885 cc $1 ngc ms66 1775
1885 cc $1 ngc ms66 1775
1891 cc $1 pcgs ms65 cac 4575
1894 $1 ngc vf35 1100
1894 o $1 ngc au50 190
1921 peace $1 ngc ms65 1400
1922 d $1 ngc ms66 1250
**1892 s $1 pcgs au58 13500 the last couple brought $14,600+
**1901 $1 ngc au55 400
1922 no star G$1 ngc ms64 1350 bid $1510
1902 $2.50 pcgs ms66 1550
1905 $2.50 ngc ms64 cac 750
1925 d $2.50 ngc ms64 890
1926 sesqui $2.50 pcgs ms65+ cac 3000
1927 $2.50 ngc ms64 890
1928 $2.50 pcgs ms64 890
1856 $3 ngc ms61 2900
1844 o $10 ngc au55 2600
1852 o $20 ngc au50 6250
1857 s $20 ngc ms65 11250
1908 d no motto $20 pcgs ms65+ $8750 ms65 bid $8500 ms66 $20k+
1924 $20 pcgs ms65 cac 2525
1924 $20 pcgs ms66 cac 3725
2009 ultra high releif $20 pcgs ms63 $2000 POP 4 NONE LOWER!
may the fonz be with you...always...


  • Options
    joebb21joebb21 Posts: 4,735 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Priced lowered on everything that didn't sell day 1!
    may the fonz be with you...always...
  • Options
    joebb21joebb21 Posts: 4,735 ✭✭✭✭✭
    all sold coins removed from list for easier viewing
    may the fonz be with you...always...
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