Can other grading companies be switched over to PSA?

If you have a card graded from another company can you have it graded by psa in the existing case? Also on the forms it says for crossovers and minimum grade. I assume that you fill that out if you want to switch over? And minimum grade? Does it cost extra?
Any help is great thanks!! I've submitted cards in the past but they have all been ungraded. Thanks!!
Any help is great thanks!! I've submitted cards in the past but they have all been ungraded. Thanks!!
Minimum grade means if your submitting a SGC 8 and you'll only accept PSA to do the crossover as a PSA grade 8 youll put 8....If youll accept any grade for the crossover PSA gives it you put 1, or AUTH if you want no grade but put in a PSA case.
As far as cost, its the same cost as if said card was raw
You can submit cards in another companies holder to PSA for crossover. If you do not specify a minimum grade they will put it in a PSA holder in the grade they deem worthy unless it is trimmed or altered (in their opinion) in which case they will leave it in the current holder.
If you request a minimum grade then they will only crack it out and put it in the PSA holder if it meets your grade.