Home Buy, Sell, & Trade - U.S. Coins

Off to the Windy City and Lowering Prices on our way out the Door

The ANA Worlds Fair of Money is only 2 weeks away. We hope many of you will be able to attend. This has always been the "To Do" show. There are so many activities for all of you to enjoy, so I hope you take the time to experience them all. Plenty of educational opportunities that include Fundamentals of Grading U.S. Coins, digital photography, Coin Collecting 101 and for the kids, Boy Scout and Girl Scout workshops. The museum showcases are worth perusing with the Rittenhouse 1792 Half Disme, Quintuple Stella, Nova Constellation Quint and so much more on display. Another great part are the Collector Exhibits, these are astounding! Collectors like you have put together some of the most phenomenal exhibits. All this starts on Tuesday August 13th! We will have our entire inventory and always look forward to meeting all of you. Yes, the show can be quite chaotic at times for the dealers, but let us know if you are coming, we would love to set time aside to get to know you.

We are getting our bags packed and lowering prices on our coins for all of you. Please stop by Table #532 and 534. We will be heading in on the weekend before to get an opportunity to buy new fresh material, so if you have a want list email us right away. If we can help sell coins for you contact us and we will make arrangements to get your coins shipped prior to the show and do our best to get the best prices possible.

Check out these new lower prices on Toned Morgans
1878-S $1 PCGS MS65 CAC #4057 $349.00
1879-S $1 PCGS MS64 #JS32 $449.00
1879-S $1 PCGS MS54 $735.00
1879-S $1 PCGS MS65 CAC #111-1 $1149.00
1879-S $1 PCGS MS67 Plus #4073 $1950.00
1880 $1 PCGS MS66 #3467 $2695.00
1880-S $1 NGC MS62 CAC #3654 $495.00
1880-S $1 PCGS MS67 CAC #4016 $1149.00
1880-S $1 PCGS MS67Plus CAC #3748 $1975.00
1880-S $1 PCGS MS67 Plus CAC #4096 $1875.00
1880-S $1 PCGS MS67 CAC #3704 $5695.00
1881-O $1 PCGS MS63 $479.00
1881-S $1 PCGS MS62 CAC #3711 $395.00
1881-S $1 PCGS MS64 CAC #3708 $795.00
1881-S $1 PCGS MS64 #JS37 $575.00
1881-S $1 PCGS MS65 CAC #4112 $3295.00
1881-S $1 PCGS MS66 Plus $1175.00
1881-S $1 PCGS MS66 Plus CAC $1449.00
1881-S NGC MS66 $1449.00
1881-S $1 PCGS MS67 CAC $4068 $1595.00
1881-S $1 PCGS M67 Plus CAC #4066 $2095.00
1881-S $1 PCGS MS67 Plus CAC #3875 $2195.00
1881-S $1 PCGS MS68 #3606 $4395.00
1881-S $1 PCGS MS68 $4118 $6195.00
1882-CC $1 GSA Bryan Sonnier #948 $295.00
1882-s $1 PCGS MS64 CAC #3814 $1695.00
1882-S $1 NGC MS65 * Star $795.00
1883 $1 PCGS MS65 CAC #170-2 $549.00
1883-CC $1 PCGS MS64 CAC #3754 $459.00
1883-CC $1 PCGS MS65 CAC #4117 $549.00
1883-CC $1 PCGS MS66 #168-S $749.00
1883-O $1 PCGS MS62 #JS52 $649.00
1883-O $1 PCGS MS63 Plus CAC #3845 $319.00
1883-O $1 PCGS MS63 CAC #61-2 $525.00
1883-O $1 PCGS MS64 CAC #612 $1099.00
1883-O $1 PCGS MS64 CAC #157-D $319.00
1883-O $1 PCGS MS64 CAC $1695.00
1883-O $1 NGC MS64 CAC #3710 $349.00
1884 $1 PCGS MS64 Plus CAC $2395.00
1884 $1 NGC MS64 $949.00
1884 $1 NGC MS64 CAC #3755 $299.00
1884-CC $1 NGC MS65 CAC #3773 $675.00
1884-O $1 NGC MS63 CAC #3382 $349.00
1884-O $1 NGC MS64 * Star CAC #3383 $389.00
1884-O $1 NGC MS63 CAC #3384 $349.00
1884-O $1 PCGS MS64 Plus $1275.00
1884-O $1 NGC MS64 * Star CAC $1749.00
1884-O $1 PCGS MS65 CAC #126-2 $875.00
1884-O $1 PCGS MS67 #3947 $2849.00
1885 $1 PCGSMS64 CAC #3757 $549.00
1885 $1 NGC MS64 CAC #3714 $575.00
1885 $1 NGC MS64 CAC #3719 $749.00
1885 $1 PCGS MS66 PL #99-2 $825.00
1885-O $1 NGC MS63 * Star $975.00
1885-O $1 PCGS MS64 CAC $1175.00
1885-O $1 PCGS MS64 CAC #3758 $995.00
1885-O $1 NGC MS64 $975.00
1885-O $1 NGC MS64 CAC $475.00
1885-O $1 NGC MS64 * Star $775.00
1886 $1 PCGS MS62 CAC #3676 $299.00
1886 $1 PCGS MS64 CAC $575.00
1886 $1 NGC MS66 * Star #3715 $1395.00
1887 $1 PCGS MS62 CAC #797 $349.00
1887 $1 PCGS MS63 #JS47 $649.00
1887 $1 NGC MS63 CAC #3716 $399.00
1887 $1 PCGS MS64 #BC35429-101 $379.00
1887 $1 PCGS MS64 CAC $1949.00
1887 $1 PCGS MS65 Plus CAC #3423 $799.00
1887 $1 NGC MS65 #3760 $339.00
1889 $1 PCGS MS64 CAC #55-37 $239.00
1891 $1 PCGS MS65 #3608 $7100.00
1896 $1 PCGS MS63 CAC #3069 $279.00
1896 $1 PCGS MS65 CAC $479.00
1898-O $1 PCGS MS65 DMPL Old Green Holder #3482 $949.00
1899-O $1 PCGS MS64 * Star $875.00
1904 $1 PCGS MS64 CAC #3750 $1249.00
1904-O $1 NGC MS64 #JS38 $479.00
1921-D $1 Morgan PCGS MS64 #67-5 $479.00

Larry Shapiro Rare Coins - LSRC
POB 854
Temecula CA 92593
310-541-7222 office
310-710-2869 cell

PCGS Las Vegas June 24-26
Baltimore July 14-17
Chicago August 11-15
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