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WTB- Raw Franklin Half Dollars

I new to the boards here but I have been a member ATS for quite a while now. Just thought I would broaden my search a bit to see if you folks here can help me out! I'm looking for Brilliant Uncirculated/Gem coins for my raw Franklin album. I'm just getting started in the Franklin series so I pretty much need all dates and mint marks, except for the 1963 P&D. I already have those 2. Also, the coins do not have to have Full Bell Lines. I will start a separate album for FBL coins in the future. I would prefer coins with no toning for my album, although I'm not opposed to purchasing toned coins. I want to be able to watch the progression of any toning that takes place while the coins are in the album. I have several Morgans and a few other raw/certified coins that I would be happy to trade with, or I can buy what you have outright. Please include pictures if you can. Let me know what you've got! Thanks!

I can provide references from members ATS if they are needed. I have had many successful transactions over there, both buying and selling, and wish to keep things going the same way here as well!
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