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FSHO Lot of 10 U.S. coins, 1876-1899, Indians, Liberty nickels, and one 3-cent nickel.

Good evening, everyone: On behalf of a friend and neighbor here in northwest Connecticut, I am posting more coins from their accumulation … 10 pieces in all. These coins have been in the owner’s possession for many years, but neither he nor his spouse are collectors.

As you will see, this is a lot of minor coinage from 1876 to 1899. These are too inexpensive to sell individually, although the highlight is a gorgeous 1899 cent that could easily be sold under a separate listing.

All 10 pieces are photographed, front and back, under a white-balanced incandescent with a Coolpix 995. No photoshopping except to crop.

I am asking $52.50 for the lot plus help with P&I as described under Terms.

I am a math professor in CT and a student of US coinage since the 1960s when my grandfather Whit Hart got me started. On Ebay, I am davidwm. On request, I will gladly send you an email from my Ebay account in verification of my Ebay identity.

Terms: I will ship to domestic addresses only. Personal check and postal money order ok, the former of which must clear, please. I try to avoid Paypal; too many horror stories. I ship priority and insured with delivery confirmation, which costs about 11.00. Please include $5.00 toward postage and insurance. I’ll cover the rest. There is a return privilege on the lot in its entirety. If you so decide, please have the lot (ten coins) in the mail within 7 days of receipt. Upon safe return, I will immediately ship a refund of the lot price.

Thank you. And thanks to PCGS for providing this avenue of sale.


1899 Indian Cent.
1899 Cent Obv
1899 Cent Rev
This is the best coin of the lot. It is a beautiful spot-free, evenly colored, original piece that is virtually free of marks. (The white spot to the left of the bust is an artifact of the photography and does not exist on the coin. The same is true of the whitish spot in the denticles above the top feather of the headdress.) I find no indicators that the coin has circulated; no rub on the cheek or ribbon or bow. Now, about the color. The raised portions of the coin are brown. The crescent of field to the left of the portrait, as well as the central portions of the fields surrounding ONE CENT are brown as well. The remaining fields and protected areas are the very muted red that you would expect on old undisturbed copper. The red portions do display a cartwheel luster, particularly on the obverse. But please note that the coin’s true color and luster are much less glowing than my photos indicate. I attribute this to my photography skills or lack thereof. Perhaps the best way to describe it is to say that when the coin is rotated through various angles to the light, the effect is a muted cartwheel from red to brown to red again. I do not know if PCGS would call this coin RB or BN, AU-58 or MS-63 or something in between. But regardless, this is a very eye-appealing and inexpensive type coin that I would buy myself if it weren’t for conflict of interest.

1876 Indian Cent. AG.
1876 Cent Obv
1876 Cent Rev

1879 Indian Cent. Good.
1879 Cent Obv
1879 Cent Rev

1881 3-Cent Nickel. VG-F.
1881 3-Cent Obv
1881 3-Cent rev

1885 Indian Cent. VG.
1885 Cent Obv
1885 cent Rev

1889 Indian Cent. Fine.
1889 Cent Obv
1889 Cent Rev

1897 Nickel. Very Good.
1897 Nickel Obv
1897 Nickel Rev

The following nickels are much nicer than the pictures indicate; particularly, the scratching is very hard to see, unless held at just the right angle to the light.

1897 Nickel AG.
Another 1897 Nickel Obv
Another 1897 Nickel rev

1896 Nickel. AG.
1896 Nickel Obv
1896 Nickel Rev

1896 Nickel. AG.
Another 1896 Nickel Obv
Another 1896 Nickel Rev


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