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Anyone got any Jacquez Green (WR of Bucs/Redskins) and/or Az-Hakim (WR of Rams/Lions)? PLMK ASAP...

If you have ANY, PLMK. The only ones that I do NOT need are non-RC base cards. I still need almost all parallel cards however. As for autos and GU, I only have like 1 Hakim GU, so still need autos and/or GU of both players. Still need some of their RCs as well. It would just be a LOT easier for both people (I think) if you can make a list of what you got. I may even consider doubles image
want (in this order):
video games & systems
Culpepper sportscards


  • I have sum Rc's of Jacquez, and my Hakims r staying, cause im a detriot fan, Message me for a list.
    Looking for:E. Smith score supp. Rc's, SPx, Contenders james rc's, BIG BEN WALLACE !!! AND MUCH MORE, please send Tradelist's !
    1. glickman77
    2. Quasar31
    Tons on AOL
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