WTB: 90% US silver coins

I'm still looking to buy more 90% US silver coins. Please no culls or slicks. Prefer halves and quarters but will consider dimes depending on price and what else it comes with.
PM me with what you have and your best price shipped and let's make a deal!
Thanks in advance!
PM me with what you have and your best price shipped and let's make a deal!
Thanks in advance!
successful transactions with: vpr, robman, piecesofme, metalsman, gdavis70, agentjim007, ranshdow and more to come!
I'm still looking for more 90% US silver. Let me know what you have and your best price shipped. We'll find a fee-free payment so we both save. Thanks in advance.
Seller must have references from the boards. I will be contacting them.
I am also interested in ASEs if the price is right.
Thanks in advance!