Local Coin Clubs can't buy small gold (Mexican Dos Pesos)!!!!!!!!!!! Anyone willing to help?

I'm a member of several local coin clubs here in Southern California. While most clubs giveaway silver prizes in their monthly raffles/giveaways to members, usually a 1 oz. round or Silver Eagle, some of the clubs like to occasionally give out small pieces of gold. Whenever a gold prize is available in a raffle, ticket sales go up a ton and that really helps out the club. Almost always it's one of the small Mexican 2 Pesos gold.
Unfortunately, although gold prices have dropped $200+ per ounce, the local clubs can't find anyone willing to sell the clubs small gold pieces for prizes anywhere near the current value of those coins or even above! No one local seems to be selling at any price.
That said, I was asked to make a post to see if there's anyone out there willing to help out. The clubs that need the coins are not for profit groups that really do good for the local numismatic community. If you are willing to help get us the prizes at a reasonable price, you will be recognized by the club at the meetings so everyone will know it was you or your company that hooked us up. They will also print it up in the club newsletter unless you wish to remain anonymous.
One club is looking for up to five (5) Mexican Dos Pesos gold pieces. Another club could use some gold for prizes too, Dos Pesos would work as well or any other small gold like 1/20 oz. Australian coins or 1/20 oz. Mexican Libertads. 1/10 oz. gold like a small Panda, small Maple Leaf, Australian gold or 1/10 eagles could work too.
For reference, a Mexican Dos Pesos has about $68 in gold at today's prices... can anyone come anywhere close to that? If you have anything that could help out, let me know. Thanks!
Unfortunately, although gold prices have dropped $200+ per ounce, the local clubs can't find anyone willing to sell the clubs small gold pieces for prizes anywhere near the current value of those coins or even above! No one local seems to be selling at any price.
That said, I was asked to make a post to see if there's anyone out there willing to help out. The clubs that need the coins are not for profit groups that really do good for the local numismatic community. If you are willing to help get us the prizes at a reasonable price, you will be recognized by the club at the meetings so everyone will know it was you or your company that hooked us up. They will also print it up in the club newsletter unless you wish to remain anonymous.
One club is looking for up to five (5) Mexican Dos Pesos gold pieces. Another club could use some gold for prizes too, Dos Pesos would work as well or any other small gold like 1/20 oz. Australian coins or 1/20 oz. Mexican Libertads. 1/10 oz. gold like a small Panda, small Maple Leaf, Australian gold or 1/10 eagles could work too.
For reference, a Mexican Dos Pesos has about $68 in gold at today's prices... can anyone come anywhere close to that? If you have anything that could help out, let me know. Thanks!
Michael Kittle Rare Coins --- 1908-S Indian Head Cent Grading Set --- No. 1 1909 Mint Set --- Kittlecoins on Facebook --- Long Beach Table 448