Moved to eBay ...No longer available 44 oz SilverTowne Silver 1 oz bars. Take all or None

Figured I would offer it here and ATS first before listing on ebay. If there is anyone looking to buy 44 oz of .999 Silver in the form of the Silvertowne Bars and for the same price I can deliver within 3 to 4 days versus having to wait weeks until SilverTowne finally get's around to shipping your order.
44 oz SilverTowne Silver 1 oz bars. Take all or None
Same deal as SilverTowne $27.50 / oz X 44 = $1,210.00 Free Shipping.
PayaPal gift or add 3%
I will give this add 2 hrs. until 4:30 pm EST then it is on the bay. Just wanted to offer here first.

44 oz SilverTowne Silver 1 oz bars. Take all or None
Same deal as SilverTowne $27.50 / oz X 44 = $1,210.00 Free Shipping.
PayaPal gift or add 3%
I will give this add 2 hrs. until 4:30 pm EST then it is on the bay. Just wanted to offer here first.