21 new PSA 9's were added to the Pop. Report for 1951 Bowman on the latest updating; moving the total from 351 up to 372! Where did they all come from?
Maybe this is that find that I was hoping for . . . and see, no one had to pass away There have also been fairly large jumps in high grade vintage for other sets this week. I hope they come up for auction and if so, you better start printing out those Varghabucks.
"We don't own these cards, we just hold them for awhile." -- Jay of Quality Cards
I suspect this will happen more and more over the years as old collectors start to TRUST the PSA slabbing process more and more.
I think there are a lot of very nice old collections out there that are sitting in top-load plastic holders ... and I think these collectors will eventually see the light and come to PSA for grading ... if for no other reason than to register their lifelong collection.
After all, these 1951 Bowmans are only 51 years old ... so what are the odds that there are only 2 mint condition cards out there for each player???
There are probably a bunch out there ... but every day somebody, somewhere, somehow dings the corner of a Mint condition 1951 Bowman card and the field gets smaller !!!!
Vargha, you definitly are going to see a huge jump in the 59-65 here sometime soon. I know of a guy that is getting ready to send in a ton of commons from these years. He has many 3200 count boxes, mostly one of each year all in toploader. He took 20 cards to superior. 2 years ago and flipped eleven 9's wow including 2 low pop clemente's. I've seen the cards myself and he consults me all the time on what he should do. Put it this way he doesn't have to do anything. Your assumptions are correct.
So the interesting thing to see will be this -- will the prices drop because of increased supply or will they remain steady or rise because the increased availability of cards brings collectors into the fold who would have stayed out had there not been the new influx of high grade vintage made available?
Prices will rise -- too many chasing too few, and the increase is enough to bring more in without turning more away.
As for the new 1951 Bowman PSA 9 cards -- good luck! With Brancabucks calling the shots, you can hopefully squeeze some in that he might already have. That is, if they are even ever offered publically. It seems like minus the set from Mastro last year, that John has not purchased that much through public forums -- he has an amazing set of contacts.
I am actively buying MIKE SCHMIDT gem mint baseball cards. Also looking for any 19th century cabinets of Philadephia Nationals. Please PM with additional details.
I think there are a lot of very nice old collections out there that are sitting in top-load plastic holders ... and I think these collectors will eventually see the light and come to PSA for grading ... if for no other reason than to register their lifelong collection.
After all, these 1951 Bowmans are only 51 years old ... so what are the odds that there are only 2 mint condition cards out there for each player???
There are probably a bunch out there ... but every day somebody, somewhere, somehow dings the corner of a Mint condition 1951 Bowman card and the field gets smaller !!!!
Vargha, you definitly are going to see a huge jump in the 59-65 here sometime soon. I know
of a guy that is getting ready to send in a ton of commons from these years. He has many
3200 count boxes, mostly one of each year all in toploader. He took 20 cards to superior.
2 years ago and flipped eleven 9's wow including 2 low pop clemente's. I've seen the cards
myself and he consults me all the time on what he should do. Put it this way he doesn't have
to do anything. Your assumptions are correct.
As for the new 1951 Bowman PSA 9 cards -- good luck! With Brancabucks calling the shots, you can hopefully squeeze some in that he might already have. That is, if they are even ever offered publically. It seems like minus the set from Mastro last year, that John has not purchased that much through public forums -- he has an amazing set of contacts.
Reap the whirlwind.
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