I need advice on how to buy and sell in this forum.

I need advice on how to buy and sell in this forum. I have been buying and selling on ebay uder the username ignaciocc going on 14 years now but I am tired of paying those ebay fees. Thanks in advance

Be realistic in your ask price. Many on the BST ask high retail on there coins and they often sit. Old long running post are also a great negative keep your post updated and delete what has been sold. Nothing beats the BST.
One other note, even when responding to questions you should only bump your thread once a day. I know you are not selling on this thread and it is educational, but too many bumps and someone will likely ask you to stop the bumps.
<< <i>since you are a newbie to this forum, people here will be more concerned about getting ripped by you. >>
Until you build up your BST rep, be prepared to be behind the eight-ball. You may be asked to send your item to the buyer before payment is sent to you. We all started out this way. But...it is very worthwhile and you won't regret it. There are lots of good deals on here, both for buyers and sellers. It all depends on what you are selling (or looking for).
Best of luck to you, and welcome aboard!
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<< <i>since you are a newbie to this forum, people here will be more concerned about getting ripped by you. >>
You could start to craft a reputation by participating on the US Coin Forum and build relationships with other forum members. If you are here just to sell coins, the BST will probably not be as fruitful as you might imagine.
My Collection of Old Holders
Never a slave to one plastic brand will I ever be.
It is almost impossible to sell a coin here, but you can promote yours for sale elsewhere. That has some advantages in my opinion.
Can't you tell from the smart a** reply's so far that you are never going to sell a coin direct!!
And welcome!
<< <i>It is almost impossible to sell a coin here, but you can promote yours for sale elsewhere. That has some advantages in my opinion.
Can't you tell from the smart a** reply's so far that you are never going to sell a coin direct!!
I disagree on both points.
1. I have sold many, many 100 coins here and purchased many, many coins, here, as well.
2a. There is nothing "smart a**" about any of the replies.
2b. There is no reason why the OP will "never...sell a coin direct".
I also disagree that the OP will be forced to send coins on approval because he is new here. Terms are always negotiable.
<< <i>
<< <i>It is almost impossible to sell a coin here, but you can promote yours for sale elsewhere. That has some advantages in my opinion.
Can't you tell from the smart a** reply's so far that you are never going to sell a coin direct!!
I disagree on both points.
1. I have sold many, many 100 coins here and purchased many, many coins, here, as well.
2a. There is nothing "smart a**" about any of the replies.
2b. There is no reason why the OP will "never...sell a coin direct".
I also disagree that the OP will be forced to send coins on approval because he is new here. Terms are always negotiable. >>
The difference of joining 10 years ago and 36000 posts and belonging to the "Country Club". I am not alone in my experience, but I am happy for you!
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<< <i>since you are a newbie to this forum, people here will be more concerned about getting ripped by you. >>
Until you build up your BST rep, be prepared to be behind the eight-ball. You may be asked to send your item to the buyer before payment is sent to you. We all started out this way. But...it is very worthwhile and you won't regret it. There are lots of good deals on here, both for buyers and sellers. It all depends on what you are selling (or looking for).
Best of luck to you, and welcome aboard! >>
This. I'm not new with coins, but new to the forum. I have been selling since the day I became a member with 0 posts. I have a great reputation on a couple other coin forums, but there are people here that do not know that. But I have been slowly but surely been building a reputation lately and silling a bunch of coins. I'm really happy I came here for that.
<< <i>I need advice on how to buy and sell in this forum. I have been buying and selling on ebay uder the username ignaciocc going on 14 years now but I am tired of paying those ebay fees. Thanks in advance
My advice:
1. Tell us whatcha got.
2. Tell us whatcha want for it.
3. Repeat #1 and #2 as required.
"Everything is on its way to somewhere. Everything." - George Malley, Phenomenon
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<< <i>
<< <i>It is almost impossible to sell a coin here, but you can promote yours for sale elsewhere. That has some advantages in my opinion.
Can't you tell from the smart a** reply's so far that you are never going to sell a coin direct!!
I disagree on both points.
1. I have sold many, many coins here and purchased many, many coins, here, as well.
2a. There is nothing "smart a**" about any of the replies.
2b. There is no reason why the OP will "never...sell a coin direct".
I also disagree that the OP will be forced to send coins on approval because he is new here. Terms are always negotiable. >>
The difference of joining 10 years ago and 36000 posts and belonging to the "Country Club". I am not alone in my experience, but I am happy for you! >>
This is at least your second "Country Club" reference today (apparently there is a chip on your shoulder)...and you are wrong. There is no exclusivity. If you take the time to build relationships, have quality items and/or good pricing, it does not matter who you are, where you are, and what you have to sell. Of course, building relationships takes some time, energy, and talent, and it is much easier to come here, throw up some stuff on the BST and decry the system for being unfair to the new guy.
<< <i>
This is at least your second "Country Club" reference today (apparently there is a chip on your shoulder)...and you are wrong. There is no exclusivity. If you take the time to build relationships, have quality items and/or good pricing, it does not matter who you are, where you are, and what you have to sell. Of course, building relationships takes some time, energy, and talent, and it is much easier to come here, throw up some stuff on the BST and decry the system for being unfair to the new guy. >>
Are you a dealer or in the commercial aspect of the business?
<< <i>
<< <i>
This is at least your second "Country Club" reference today (apparently there is a chip on your shoulder)...and you are wrong. There is no exclusivity. If you take the time to build relationships, have quality items and/or good pricing, it does not matter who you are, where you are, and what you have to sell. Of course, building relationships takes some time, energy, and talent, and it is much easier to come here, throw up some stuff on the BST and decry the system for being unfair to the new guy. >>
Are you a dealer or in the commercial aspect of the business? >>
No, I am a simple collector. You?
<< <i>
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<< <i>
This is at least your second "Country Club" reference today (apparently there is a chip on your shoulder)...and you are wrong. There is no exclusivity. If you take the time to build relationships, have quality items and/or good pricing, it does not matter who you are, where you are, and what you have to sell. Of course, building relationships takes some time, energy, and talent, and it is much easier to come here, throw up some stuff on the BST and decry the system for being unfair to the new guy. >>
Are you a dealer or in the commercial aspect of the business? >>
No, I am a simple collector. You? >>
Nope, same as you, but a wheeler dealer to improve my collection! No offense intended toward you. Cheers!
As was stated above, buyers are cautious when dealing with a newcomer. That doesn't mean you have to mail a coin before payment. Do what you can to establish trust. If you have references, cite them. If an old timer can vouch for you point him out. If you know of a third party who might act as an escrow agent, use it.
After a few successful sales you'll have references to back up you up.
Welcome! And happy selling.
To add, be sure to familiarize yourself with the rules posted by the moderator at the top of the page, and adhere to them. Newbies who flout the rules are not tolerated well.
Good luck to you.
This is a great place to buy & sell.
If you see something here you like and are OK with the price then buy it.
You can start to build references that way.
I have bought many items here from many great members and feel good about them all!
Best and welcome.
* Build a GOOD reputation for yourself by participating (if you can) in the discussions in the other forum parts.
* Get known...in a GOOD way
* Be willing to give references for people that may be known to others that can vouch for you.
* Be willing to give references to others as they do business with you and may need references themselves (ie...2-way street...help others out as you start becoming more established)
* Check folks out and, if the vibes are good, think about being willing to send on approval (don't do it if the vibes aren't good....no need to potentially get ripped off).
* Read, read, and read some more....the BST posts and the US Coin Forum (and the darkside forum and some of the others as well). You will get an idea of what folks are like and how interactions go.
* If the item is at an uncomfortable level for you, think about being willing to use a go-between, a clearing house....someone willing to get the money and hold it while the coin is being sent and who will send the money once things are good with the coin or, if no coin or something happens, then the money goes back to the buyer.
* Be clear in your conditions. Don't make assumptions. If you don't say shipping IS or IS NOT included, and you list a price, some folks may assume it IS included and if you go to try to add that to the cost after an agreement, there can be ill feelings. Just be very clear and concise.
* Some folks do the paypal gift or paypal + 3% thing. Some folks think it is immoral and distasteful to use paypal gift to buy/sell goods. Understand that you may distance some folks who disagree with ripping off paypal while others will find an excuse to make it ok.
* Try not to get into p*ssing matches....they never come out well (I've been in a few myself, so speaking from experience)
* Use good photos.
* Be honest in the descriptions.
* If you are fair with others, most will treat you fair as well (when I first joined the boards, I bought a few coins from the BST....at inflated prices because I didn't spend my time doing research and didn't know better. I got ripped. Funny thing is that those folks are no longer around and I still am...and I do try to treat others fairly. So, if you plan to stay awhile, treat others fairly and it will help you).
* Learn the board rules.....what is allowed and what isn't...and what is considered a faux pas. There will always be some folks that don't cut others any slack (usually because they screwed up in not so innocent ways and got busted...so they feel it is up to them to overly police others) but many people will start out nice with reminders then get tired of all the reminders is someone is constantly flouting the established guidelines.
Above all, realize this board is diverse and to just treat folks fairly and as how you want to be treated. There are some folks that may demand a full name, address, phone number, etc. I give my phone number to very few folks but others are much more comfortable doing so. Figure out what YOU are comfortable with and decide to deal/not deal within those guidelines.
I've been told I tolerate fools poorly...that may explain things if I have a problem with you. Current ebay items - Nothing at the moment
Looking forward to seeing what you might offer. Usually quite a selection of great material here.
So let me get this straight . Negotiate the deal through PM's, exchange adresses and telephone #, mail payment, wait on inventory.
I too used to sell a ton of stuff on ebay. Like you I was tired of the fees increasing every year, so I created a place for everyone to buy and sell with without the fees........
I would like to extend you an invitation to sell fee free on CoinZip.com
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