1858 Flying Eagle - real or counterfeit? different photos page two.

Please discuss.
Better photos page two.

Better photos page two.

Check out my current listings: https://ebay.com/sch/khunt/m.html?_ipg=200&_sop=12&_rdc=1
<< <i>your screen name describes a handful of people here.... none of them would admit to it, even if they are aware of it >>
I admit to it, even embrace it every day. Married a long, long time
Check out my current listings: https://ebay.com/sch/khunt/m.html?_ipg=200&_sop=12&_rdc=1
Dentils are mushy.
And it looks polished as well!
4-5 oclock are longer than 12oclock
<< your screen name describes a handful of people here.... none of them would admit to it, even if they are aware of it >>
I admit to it, even embrace it every day. Married a long, long time
JMO but the coin looks messed with..............
<< <i>tlbrown, if you use these posts as a learning experience, you will gain from it. That's what BlindedByEgo is trying to do by posting it. >>
Understood. That's what all us are trying to do. Just a observation on how the so many counterfeit coins are flowing through the market..
The lack of contact marks is also suspicious, but they might have been buffed away.
<< <i>If it were a 1857, it would certainly be a fake. Who can tell me the reason why (except Capt Henway) >>
Large letter vs small letter? Just a guess.
The reverse wreath is supposed to be made with parts from wheat, corn, cotton, and tobacco .. I am not positive what is where, but the things up at the top have an odd formation in the nobs of the flower or whatever it is..
I would need to look at lots of pictures and find one that has the grease filled look of AMERICA on the obverse.
But it really comes down to what is it worth? If plated, even if authentic, I would not be interested at 10% MS values
Check out my current listings: https://ebay.com/sch/khunt/m.html?_ipg=200&_sop=12&_rdc=1
<< <i>The reverse is the "Low Leaves" type, used only in 1858 (some restrike 1856 FE's have it too). If it were a 1857, then it would certainly be fake. >>
Thanks EagleEye, good information.