How accurate is VCP over PSA card pricing?

I was wondering how much of a difference there is? I understand VCP goes off of daily sales, but can't that be manipulated by the auction itself? Does VCP give a price range from low to high?
<< <i>VCP is well worth the price..either buying or selling..kind of like paying your older brother to do your homework...Comparing VCP to SMR is like comparing Sundays newspaper to twitter...VCP is a lot more accurate and real time...Check out SMR for a 1965 Namath rookie PSA 5 then check VCP for the same card. >>
PSA will give you the final auction prices paid. There it is in black and white, with scans, so you can also see if card is centered. Down side is it's a short window and your card might not be there. Also I don't think BIN's will tell you the price if it sells "best offer". I seem to remember you CAN find it though.
VCP sounds like a much better (I don't pay for VCP myself) version of the old price guides and SMR. You can look up the cards and get a MUCH more accurate up to date value.
Is VCP $18.00 a month? Not worth it for me, I'll continue to use ebay's completed listings search option. I only collect one guy, so knowing what his cards are worth is easy. For selling, I auction off my items and let the bidders determine the price.
If you are buying a lot of cards and have little idea what they are really worth, VCP might be the way to go, at least until you get an idea of what things are worth.
1/31/13 $927.39
1/6/13 $850.00
1/5/13 $600.00
12/9/12 $641.00
10/14/12 $671.00
4/30/12 $980.00
4/12/12 $800.00
3/18/12 $795.00
3/13/12 $799.00
3/10/12 $845.00
Of course it depends on the set and card, but in general, SMR is too high, IMO. The biggest exception to this is, as Brick pointed out, low pop cards, in which SMR can be way too low.
<< <i>If I'm going with the SMR as a general reference, is it usually way off by being too high or too low? >>
The sets I've collected I found SMR to be quite a bit high on the common commons but waaaay too low on low pop commons. If you use SMR as your guide you can only pay too much. If you are too low you simply get outbid.