for sale 90% face pre 1964 dimes and quarters 45$ worth

im looking to get 23 times face shipped... that seems to be the fair going rate and i will ship priority with confirmation... if any ones intrested just inbox me , thank you
or text 716-602-9611
20$ in washing ton quarters and 25$ in roosevelt dimes totaling 45$
$1035 shipped and if using pay pal its another 3% . im pretty sure thats there fee
u may check my ebay feed back of 100% member for 9 yrs 745 positive feedbacks no negatives...
pat5170 is my ebay id..
thank you
id also consider trades or partial trades as well, full or partial gold bars 1-2.5-5 or 1/4 oz jm preffered gold bars as full or partial.. or morgans silver dollars circulated at around 30 bucks each, no culls
or text 716-602-9611
20$ in washing ton quarters and 25$ in roosevelt dimes totaling 45$
$1035 shipped and if using pay pal its another 3% . im pretty sure thats there fee
u may check my ebay feed back of 100% member for 9 yrs 745 positive feedbacks no negatives...
pat5170 is my ebay id..
thank you
id also consider trades or partial trades as well, full or partial gold bars 1-2.5-5 or 1/4 oz jm preffered gold bars as full or partial.. or morgans silver dollars circulated at around 30 bucks each, no culls
collector of gold and silver bullion..Owner of "aaa trash be gone" buffalo ny
references for completed transactions : smittys , guitarwes , vetter, JamesM , durexmetals, luke marshall ,perry hall, indiananationals,tamu15 , freechance , wdrob, jimineez1
references for completed transactions : smittys , guitarwes , vetter, JamesM , durexmetals, luke marshall ,perry hall, indiananationals,tamu15 , freechance , wdrob, jimineez1
references for completed transactions : smittys , guitarwes , vetter, JamesM , durexmetals, luke marshall ,perry hall, indiananationals,tamu15 , freechance , wdrob, jimineez1
Successful BST transactions with -Youngcoin15, Ajbauman, Metalsman, carew4me, SportsModerator1, Ahrensdad, bstat1020, piecesofme , bigmarty58, Smittys, tydye,DRG ,Coll3ctor, Ciccio, cajun, Swampboy,Excalibur,lordmarcovan,themaster,RedHerring, many more!!!