I am new to the PSA Registry

This is my first post. I just thought I would introduce myself. I'm Tom and tonight I have entered The DiCaprio Sports Card Player Type Collection into the PSA Registry under Showcase. My main goal with the collection is to try to add one PSA card per player for each sport. I know that it is unrealistic, but I'm going to have a lot of fun trying. For the period beofre 1952, I'm looking for cards which are PSA graded 1 and up. From 1952 to 1980 preferably PSA 5-7, but will go higher if possible. From 1981 to present PSA graded 5-10. I have been kicking around starting a PSA collection for a few months. I will not only build a personal PSA collection by buying, but add inventory to sell as well as trade for the cards that I will need. The main thing for me is to have fun with this and if I make a few extra bucks so be it. If I don't make money, just as long as I am having fun with my collection then I am happy.
Collecting one PSA graded card per player for each sport (Rookies preferred), Topps base sets/inserts, New York Mets and Brooklyn Dodgers cards, Mike Trout, Bryce Harper, Stephen Strassburg, MIguel Cabrera and Paul Konerko cards.
Welcome to the boards! I like the idea of your showcase set--that should be quite the challenge. I'm providing a link to your set so we can view your progress.
The DiCaprio Sports Card Player Type Collection
Good luck with your collection!
bobsbbcards SGC Registry Sets
That was my first avatar, too when I joined these boards BTW. So go Mets!
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