Large Cent hoard - great starter set

24 Draped Bust cents (figure $720 at 30 each)
6 Classic head cents (figure $200 at 30 each)
6 Better coronet cents (figure $150 at 25 each)
42 Coronet cents - G-F no problem or VF/XF with slight problems (figure $840 at 20 each)
52 Coronet cents - G-F light problems (figure $780 at 15 each)
A Dansco album for large cents 1793-1857...$10
Total = $2700.
This is a great starter set for a collector. Go through them and use the duplicates for trading into the missing coins.
I'll accept paypal, credit cards or a check. No returns, since it is a buy-the-lot deal.

6 Classic head cents (figure $200 at 30 each)
6 Better coronet cents (figure $150 at 25 each)
42 Coronet cents - G-F no problem or VF/XF with slight problems (figure $840 at 20 each)
52 Coronet cents - G-F light problems (figure $780 at 15 each)
A Dansco album for large cents 1793-1857...$10
Total = $2700.
This is a great starter set for a collector. Go through them and use the duplicates for trading into the missing coins.
I'll accept paypal, credit cards or a check. No returns, since it is a buy-the-lot deal.

Rick Snow, Eagle Eye Rare Coins, Inc.Check out my new web site:
I need a VF coin for each type, in my 19th century basic type set you probably have seen. Maybe XF for the Braided Hair type.
If you have any with an appealing copper "CircCam" look (you've probably seen my term used before, too), let me know.
Sorta like that 1852 at top left in your third photo, but the more the contrast the better- IF the surfaces are also nice.
You know, that sorta "two-tone" look. But strictly problem-free and slabworthy if I ever decided to slab 'em later (not a huge priority righ now).
Copper CircCams are tuff to find without issues.
PS- I like the look of that 1837 (second from left, bottom row), too, though I dunno if it would meet my VF minimum.
But I'm not suggesting you pick those out of the lot for me. Just keep an eye open for others like that, is all. Thanks.