The NBA All Star Game and All Star Weekend =

in Sports Talk

I happened to channel surf on Sat. evening and watched a few minutes of the Slam Dunk contest. I can not believe I am going to say this but it was just horrible. I would rather watch a few minutes of Honey Boo-Boo.
I watched the All-Star game last night. Also mind numbingly boring. I realize that the key component of this game is a display of offense unhindered by any effort at defense (until the last few minutes of the game). Yes the players can jump high and dunk. Yes the players can all step behind the 3 point line and shoot from 25-30 feet. Wish I could do the same. But the whole production of the event and the attitude shown by the players during the game is creepy ["We are young, hip, cool beyond cool, the ultimate in human evolution, proud to be able to hang out together with others like us and share in the hoops love"].
The best part of the game was towards the end when Kobe Bryant decided to play some lock down defense on LeBron James on two possessions. The result was Kobe blocked two shots by King James.
It will not happen, at least this year, but I would like to see an NBA Finals match up between Miami and the Lakers with Kobe Bryant and LeBron James guarding each other for 48 minutes. Mano y Mano to see who comes out on top.
I went shopping with my wife. My demographic? > The latest, greatest drug that airs on the "1000 ways to die show" in 13 episodes... but your toe-nail fungus is GONE!
I do hope that viewership was high for their target market, though.
"“Those who sacrifice liberty for security/safety deserve neither.“(Benjamin Franklin)
"I only golf on days that end in 'Y'" (DE59)
I assume it was filled with content tailor made to appeal to the target demographic [which I have not been a part of for probably 20+ years] the the NBA and the TNT have set their gun sights on.
The NBA lacks appeal until the the final 5-10 games of the regular season when teams ramp things up to qualify for the playoffs or to improve playoff seedings. The playoffs are better since you have winner take all series of best of 5 and best of 7. Defense is ratcheted up and players have to work harder than they do in the regular season.
Wonder how the league will do next year after Stern is replaced with a successor now that he is retiring?
Out of all the major American team sports, I think the NBA will be the first to have permanent teams located outside of North America. Playoffs will truly become a global event.
However, they'll continue to roll it out, year after year, because it makes millions of dollars.
The dunk contest is extremely lame. They need to do away with the 1:30 dunk clock, and give guys 1 chance to make a dunk. The awe factor is completely gone after watching an executed dunk after the 6th try - we already know what its going to look like. The new format encourages guys to try dunks that need to be 100% perfectly coordinated to pull off, with zero margin for error.
The NBA would be better off with a variety of shooting contests - consecutive free throws in a 10-minute span, a half-court shot contest, a 10-man game of Knockout (first to 3 wins wins the contest)...that would be infinitely more entertaining than a dunk contest.