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half cents to walkers F/S or trade for 90% have a LQQK !

i need to unload some of the extras i have laying around, willing to consider offers in cash or trades for 90% if you see something you like, feel free to make an offer. im not in love with any of it, but im not quite ready to put on the red suit. my goal is to convert all of this into generic 90% so make an offer on anything for your 90%
i will be listing more as time permits.

half cents
1804 $20 image

large cents
18?? $4 image
1818 $7 image

small cents
1862 needs a cleaning $5 image
1870 pick axe image $75 or trade for 90%

two cents
1864 $8 image

three cents
18?? $2 image
1865 $3 image
1866 $5 image

half dimes
1850 $7 image

1860 $8 image

1844 $125 image
1857 $5 image
1871 $5
1862 $3
1876-cc $5 image
1886 $8 image
10 piece seated lot worn, damaged, holed $30
10 piece seated lot worn, damaged, holed $30
10 piece seated lot worn, damaged, holed $30
10 piece seated lot worn, damaged, holed $30
1903-o barber $5 image

20 centers
1875-cc loop removed from 12:00 nice details! $400 image
1875-S nice original, 45* (approx) rotated reverse $150 image

1877 $18 image
1891 $20 image
1858 $25 image
1871 holed $45
1856 $7 image
1847-o $60
1856 $12 image
1839 $60 image
1876 $12 image
1841-o $23 image
1877 $8 image
1857 $15 image
1853 $13 image
1854 $14 image
1855 $32 image
four piece lot imageimage

1832 $45 image
two very worn S mint seated halves one is an 1874 i believe $35 imageimage
im probably buried in the walkers so im looking to trade them for 90% make offer
1938-D image
1921-S image
1923-S #1 image
1923-S #2 image
1927-S image
1933-S image

my goal is to convert all of this into generic 90% so make an offer on anything for your 90%
regardless of how many posts I have, I don't consider myself an "expert" at anything


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