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FSH: $91.50 face in 90% Wash. .25 & Walker .50 ON HOLD pending payment

Sorry for the crude pic, but this came in late and I'm tired. As usual, PPG or Postal money orders are preferred, but I will take a check if we've done prior business.

$78.50 in Washington Quarters (with maybe 4-7 SLQ coins mixed in) & $13 in Walkers. $91.50 total face of quality 90% shipped to you for $2125 using Registered mail. Please send a message if interested.
To forgive is to free a prisoner, and to discover that prisoner was you.


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    successful transactions with: vpr, robman, piecesofme, metalsman, gdavis70, agentjim007, ranshdow and more to come!
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