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WTB 1999 and 2001 State Quarter Silver proof sets

Looking to purchase one of the 2001 and 1999 state quarter Silfer proof sets.

Also looking for either the 2004 state quarter silver proof set or the 2004 Iowa Silver proof

Please pm me you best price, I have reference of other deals that I have done on this forum.

Successful BST with Nolawyer, Whitetornado, Messydesk, whit, lasvegasteddy,cohodk,allcoinsrule, watersport, blackhawk, tonedase, PRoemisch


  • Bankerbob56Bankerbob56 Posts: 1,397 ✭✭✭
    Pm sent!
    What we've got here is failure to communicate.....

    Successful BST xactions w/PCcoins, Drunner, Manofcoins, Rampage, docg, Poppee, RobKool, and MichealDixon.
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